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Just got back....not gonna lie, it was pretty lame. I kept going to bpi because they were the only ones giving out free shit that wasn't a one hour wait to get a sample packet of protein....I'm sure it would be okay if you stayed the whole day and went to the events and stuff but it was just way too crowded for me. I think it's getting more hyped each year and will continue to get worse.
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Just got back....not gonna lie, it was pretty lame. I kept going to bpi because they were the only ones giving out free shit that wasn't a one hour wait to get a sample packet of protein....I'm sure it would be okay if you stayed the whole day and went to the events and stuff but it was just way too crowded for me. I think it's getting more hyped each year and will continue to get worse.


+1. Only reason we went was to meet Jamie Easton. We waited In the bodybuilding.com line for >90 min only for her to have to leave for another appearance when we still had probably 1/4 of the line left. I could honestly care less about the free crap which is what moat were waiting for, to me it's about seeing the people that inspire you (even for a fatass like me). 2nd year in a row we've had basically the same experience too. Left disappointed.

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Last time I went was a few year ago when UFC was the same weekend here in Columbus (went to that too). I was over being at the Arnold after about 20 seconds of walking around all he meat heads that couldnt scratch their own back if they tried. No offense to anyone on here if this is your type of "fun", it just wasn't for me. I did get to meet a lof of the UFC fighters which was pretty cool including Frank Mir, Brock Lesnar, Tito Ortiz and Rich Franklin. I really wanna to meet the guy that played Hulk, Lou Farigno(spell check).
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phil heath



Dexter jackson




Brandon Curry


And I bet none of those dudes wipe their own asses. Hahaha

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I went earlier. I caught a few mins of the ladies' body building (gross) and saw some guys dead lifting Ford Focuses.


EAS gave me an entire (2lb?) tub of whey protein. Got a few samples from Creapure, ON, and BSN. It was much busier today than Friday of last year.

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I went earlier. I caught a few mins of the ladies' body building (gross) and saw some guys dead lifting Ford Focuses.


EAS gave me an entire (2lb?) tub of whey protein. Got a few samples from Creapure, ON, and BSN. It was much busier today than Friday of last year.


Last year I snagged 2 boxes of protein bars, 2 boxes of Protein powder, and 2 boxes of their pre-workout

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How long does it take or how many cycles of roids would one have to do in order to look that outrageous lol


Most of these guys start very young, if you haven't reached pro status by 20-23 good luck making it very far in this "sport"


this is alexei, i believe he is about 20 years old in this picture.



This is him at 17.



There is alot of hype around him being one of the next up and coming mr. olympia.

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I am not in shape and am no Model but that looks every bit as un healthy as being overweight since we know it was no done with only lifting hard


No it's not healthy.


You're right, it only took eating 7-10k (clean) cals per day. Waking up all hours of the night to eat. Training 1-2 x per day 5-6 days per week. Spending about 1.5-2 hours in the gym in the off season and about 2-3 hours per day pre contest. I would guess they also spend about 200-300/wk just in meat alone. They also hold down a job, families and hobbies. Mind you it doesnt happen over night, 8-10 years of hard training and you have a very SLIM chance of making it anywhere in the sport.


Nope, didnt take much dedication at all.

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I would be amazed if they could prove no needles were used


Of course they do steroids....but to say anyone could just shoot up some form of steroids and get that big is ridiculous :dumb:


Bodybuilding is a lifestyle, not a hobby.

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