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Dixie Rally Crew, check this out.


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I would do this if those of you doing the rally wanted to also. Hell I might just get it for SHTF or whatever. Thoughts?





In my experience, handheld CB's suck when used inside a car. :fuuuu:

I have a few wide-band receivers with various antenna's and even on channel 19's it can be dead silent until you stick it out the sunroof.

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I have used these same ones for work the last few years on our ranges that were spread out over a 900 acre training site, and back to a location 5 miles away.


I had had similar experiance to yours with other systems.

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The car's body acts like a Faraday Cage. A cheap CB and megnetic antenna from Radio Shack will work just fine. Or pick up a cheap Cobra CB and a Little Wil antenna for about the same price as that hand held if you want a higher quality unit.
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Some of the rally teams love CB's, but IMHO they are of limited advantage when you consider what a simple cell phone can do.


Well, a CB can contact multiple people instantly without needing to dial or set up a conference call. Also, a CB doesn't rely on cell towers so they work well for car-to-car comms in hilly areas where cell reception is spotty.


Also, the ability to hear truckers warn of speed traps miles ahead is nice too. :)

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I'm aware of those advantages. But consider, if the route is so hilly/mountainous that cell phone reception becomes spotty, what will be the effective distance of 4 watt CB radio? Also, if you wish to relay valuable scouting information to others on your "team," sending by CB allows opponent teams the opportunity to listen-in if they determine your channel. On the Rally North America events, it's not unusual for teams to be 40 miles apart.


Text the info to the multiple users you select. Quite simple. Or, post to a CR thread dedicated solely to the Rally. Only your CR teammates can view it.


But if you enjoy CB's, no reason not to take one on the rally. Possibly could come in handy.

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In my experience, handheld CB's suck when used inside a car. :fuuuu:

I have a few wide-band receivers with various antenna's and even on channel 19's it can be dead silent until you stick it out the sunroof.


The piece that mojoe posted still uses an external antenna so that should still be good. Only thing that might bug me, is they probably have a low output wattage. (they claim the legal 4 watt limit but who knows if it matches that.)

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I'm aware of those advantages. But consider, if the route is so hilly/mountainous that cell phone reception becomes spotty, what will be the effective distance of 4 watt CB radio? Also, if you wish to relay valuable scouting information to others on your "team," sending by CB allows opponent teams the opportunity to listen-in if they determine your channel. On the Rally North America events, it's not unusual for teams to be 40 miles apart.


Text the info to the multiple users you select. Quite simple. Or, post to a CR thread dedicated solely to the Rally. Only your CR teammates can view it.


But if you enjoy CB's, no reason not to take one on the rally. Possibly could come in handy.

Ahh, didn't realize the cars would be so far apart. Never mind then. Only HAM radio (via relays) or cell will work in that application.

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