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Worst Luck part 2


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yeaaa well bastards strike again. few months ago some one did a hit and run on my motorcycle...well fast forward to last night my 5 month old new car someone hit and dipped out awesome..... :fuuuu: luckily its small and not alot of damage but still shits brand new and pissessss mee offf

it was alot worse but this is what i couldnt wash off. :(

Since its black theres NOOO way to hide it





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Nice shoes bro


Call Kevin Clifford.

sent him a pm already

Time to move or rent a garage


i have a garage, live in a nice nighborhood but this was done when i was being nice and getting books at a bookstore for the fiances class

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if your still making payments on it then shouldn't you be carrying full coverage insurance? I'm just curious as I know paying the deductable sucks, but its better than paying it all. also did you ask the store (or whatever place you were at assuming it was a business) if they have cameras in the parking lot and might have been able to catch they're plate number or something. just a thought
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didnt know how much it would cost, some people have lower deductables than that, some you can set at 250, and i know some you can set at 0, i was just wondering. that and i really didnt know how much it would cost to have it fixed, im not real familiar with bodywork pricing
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