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Dayton CW Star- Vote for my Cousin


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Hey guys, i would really appreciate your help.


As some of you know, CW "hires" a new Local Celebrity every year to host thier Channels spotlight stuff.


my Cousin is up for the Dayton Star, she made it through to the final 10.

She's 22, former Wright State University Cheerleader (sorry i dont have any pics), and has a 2 year old little boy. She is just graduated from WSU with a marketing degree.


Her Facebook page-


Voting Video


Voting isnt hard, and can be done multiple times.. but there is a hitch..


Voting is based on Video Views.


All im asking is that if you can, and are willing to keep it in a background tab and muted, and just keep replaying it.


Each view counts as a vote for her.

She has a 2 year old little boy, and is a spunky young woman. I of course feel like she deserves this.


Thanks for the help guys.

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