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If you and other CR ghosthunters want to come visit, I'll give you all a tour of the place. I'll tell you a chilling true story or two that I know first-hand. But, I can't promise you'll see any ghosts.


I suggest we do this at midnight. Bwahahaha! :)


I'm in.




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Waiting for the cr member that runs the corrupt site to chime in. Sounds like he knows most Ohio ghost traffic.


That would be me. Mainly I volunteer up at the old Mansfield prision, but still check out a few places here and there. Never checked out the ones you put up, but haven't heard of anything actually happening to anyone I know that has checked them out.


Oh and as always watch when you try to check out places like this for tresspassing on private property. Don't want to end up getting shot in the head and killed like those high school girls did a few years back.

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Oh and as always watch when you try to check out places like this for tresspassing on private property. Don't want to end up getting shot in the head and killed like those high school girls did a few years back.



Didn't hear about that.

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That would be me. Mainly I volunteer up at the old Mansfield prision, but still check out a few places here and there. Never checked out the ones you put up, but haven't heard of anything actually happening to anyone I know that has checked them out.


Oh and as always watch when you try to check out places like this for tresspassing on private property. Don't want to end up getting shot in the head and killed like those high school girls did a few years back.


Her name is Rachel.


She's actually made a pretty good recovery. I wondered if she'd ever be able to walk again, but she's mostly back to normal, I believe. It's been a few years since I've talked to her too, so I would assume she's even more recovered now.

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Her name is Rachel.


She's actually made a pretty good recovery. I wondered if she'd ever be able to walk again, but she's mostly back to normal, I believe. It's been a few years since I've talked to her too, so I would assume she's even more recovered now.

I think I meet that girl at Best buy waiting for the new iPads with Cold Soda a few weeks ago. Was she a highschool cheerleader also?
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MudHouse Mansion is a good place to break into... summer is better there is a Corn field to hide in.http://www.forgottenoh.com/Mudhouse/mudhouse2.jpg



Also Look into The Ridges Insane Asylum in Athens- Cool stuff on Youtube. But its hard to break into and explore...


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Does anyone know if heimberger house is still around? I heard it was torn down but, it was always good for a fun time. The house itself was kinda neat but, it was the surrounding barns that were really creepy. The story I heard ws something along the lines of a guy went crazy and killed his wife and kids and then hung himself in one of the barns. We just used to drink and party there without anything paranormal ever happening. And Ive never heard of any creepy experiences from mudhouse mansion either, its just a big old creepy looking house.


My fiance is extremely into this type of stuff and is constantly hearing about new places around ohio that she tries to talk me into going to. There are alot up around lake erie.

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Guest GMoney

I live in the old Dean's quarters. While replacing flooring I discovered a trap door to the basement. There are some very strange features in this building: tunnels, strange passageways, staircases that go straight into the ceiling, sealed rooms, and the like. If you and other CR ghosthunters want to come visit, I'll give you all a tour of the place. I'll tell you a chilling true story or two that I know first-hand. But, I can't promise you'll see any ghosts.


I suggest we do this at midnight. Bwahahaha! :)


Doc, I’ll take you up on the offer, PM me. I'm not a ghost hunter but have been inside most of the haunted places in Ohio, Athens, Mansfield, etc. plus a ton of abandoned buildings. I am totally fascinated by old structures and the strange feel that come with them.


My GF owns an old 4,000sqft funeral home in Dayton. I had a strange feel about the place for the past 2 years, now that she is in the process of moving out and the “strange activities” are getting more frequent and stronger. Really fun to stay there and see what has been moved in the night.


I also was renovation a house on 315 that my crew wouldn’t return to after they spent the night working on the HVAC system. The story on that house was that a college girl drowned in the indoor pool at a party a long time ago. I forget but the full story but Geoffrey now owns the home.

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Guest GMoney
Supposedly there is a place near me called the Goonie House. Its suppose to be haunted. I wanna go check it out. Anyone got any info on it besides what Google tells me. Also anyone heard of the Swamp road lady that crosses the road alot in front of cars? Swamp road is close to me and I am curious about this stuff.


Sam hit me up. ill come explore the road and house with you. I love doing a little trespassing.

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Went to Mudhouse a few times in high school. The old lady who owns (or owned, not sure anymore) the place lives on Lake and had people constantly watching the property. Had a friend chased off it by people in trucks/ATV's with shotguns.
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Just having this in your basement would be enough to keep some people on edge. It says "Lose hope, all ye that enter here" and was written by a student in the early 1970's. In person, it has a sorta Blair Witch Project feel to it:

That quote always gets messed up. It should be "abandon all hope, ye who enter here."


I don't believe in ghosts or any of the supernatural stuff. People have died in my house, but I don't care. My brother, sister, and mom all swear that weird things happened (including a sighting and some weird singing at 3am) in the house I grew up in. I still don't believe any of that. My thought is that most things are based on your beliefs (i.e., you are more likely to interpret things as ghostly when they can really be described more logically).


P.S. I'm sitting in a room that one of the previous owners died in, right now.:fuckyeah:

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Supposedly a local girl was found dead in the barn next to mine back in the 1970s, and they suspected a ranch hand did it but there was never a conviction. Heard that from a Marysville Chamber of Commerce employee. Never had any hauntings but if you leave certain windows and doors open they'll slam with a vengeance. GHOST SCIENCE!


Usually my encounters are things disappearing then reappearing in plain sight soon after. I just blame the aliens, those crafty little fuckers.

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Supposedly a local girl was found dead in the barn next to mine back in the 1970s, and they suspected a ranch hand did it but there was never a conviction. Heard that from a Marysville Chamber of Commerce employee. Never had any hauntings but if you leave certain windows and doors open they'll slam with a vengeance. GHOST SCIENCE!


Usually my encounters are things disappearing then reappearing in plain sight soon after. I just blame the aliens, those crafty little fuckers.


Shit son. Once, all the power in my neighborhood went out. GHOST SCIENCE.

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  • 6 months later...

Well as soon as someone finds irrefutable evidence of paranormal existence, first off, let me congratulate you on the single most important discovery in the history of mankind ever, and second, the James Randi Educational Foundation is offering a 1 million dollar prize for actual evidence of a paranormal or occult event occurring outside of someones imagination.


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Bumping this to see if people still have an interest in checking out Blue Limestone Park and Austin Manor in Delaware. If so, let's find a date this month we can pretty much agree upon and I'll start to plan. What days and times work best for you?

I'm down, he'll I want to check out your creepy old house... Secret passageways sound pretty cool

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I love this type of shit, I would be interested in visiting Doc's house. We just moved out of a house that I believe to be haunted. Like many I am not a real big believer of ghost and all that but we had freaky shit happening all the time. For instance, my wife was about 5-6 months pregnant and we was laying in bed one night, we hear running up the stairs and instantly look at each other with a wtf was that look. I tell her, it was probablly the dog, which seemed like a logical answer...until she reminded me that the dog was laying on the floor next to her. So I go check to see what it was and theres nothing there. Went through out the house checking to see if maybe someone had broken in and nope nothing.


Second time I was in the basement changing laundry and heard footsteps above me like someone was walking fast. I thought I was hearing stuff but again our dog was there with me an he had his head cocked and looking up so I know he heard it too. Went upstairs thinking maybe my dad or brother in law had stopped by only to find the house empty.


Lastly our son would absolutely not sleep in his bedroom. I am talking you'd put him in there while he was asleep and 5-10mins later he'd be up there screaming. Not just normal screaming but sweating and looking absolutely petrified. I can't really blame him for not liking the room, every time I walked by it I got this feeling like someone was about to jump out at me. Nothing like being 6'6 280 and feeling like a pussy due to something you can't see haha. So far in our new house nothing strange has occured and our son sleeps great in his new room.

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Bumping this to see if people still have an interest in checking out Blue Limestone Park and Austin Manor in Delaware. If so, let's find a date this month we can pretty much agree upon and I'll start to plan. What days and times work best for you?



IN - as long as I'm allowed to carry my new badboy of a flashlight with me (I think it'll put your mystical incandescent one to shame Doc!)

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Bumping this to see if people still have an interest in checking out Blue Limestone Park and Austin Manor in Delaware. If so, let's find a date this month we can pretty much agree upon and I'll start to plan. What days and times work best for you?


i'd love to come see this place. i work nights, but i do 3 12's including every other weekend.


since most of you don't know me and being a new guy i wouldn't expect anyone to work around my schedule...so let me know when you plan something and i'll see if i'm off.

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