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the Trayvon Martin case


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this case though is drawing the line between whats legal and what if you are honest with yourself is right.






yes exactly. do you (not directing this towards mr beast, just agree with your quote.) do you believe he would have been so bold without his carry?


even if he was not doing anything illegal.. he in my eyes at least was in the wrong. wrong not illegal. look, a man lost his life way to young. this man was barely a man he was still and kid and forced into a very adult situation.


zimmerman was over zealous and KNEW he had a gun when he got out of his vehicle. he KNEW he had a gun on him and acted outside the lines of normal (in my opinion) if he had NOT had a gun. this is something you should never do if you are a ccw holder. the firearm should not give you bigger balls in any situation. if anything you should do your best to avoid any situation where you think you would need to fall back on your firearm. to me if you are a permit holder you should remember that in your actions. say what you will but i hold a permit holder to a bit higher standards.


for the record i am 100 percent FOR ccw. that fact is why i have such issue just letting zimmerman off on this.


will prolly get flamed for this but he should NOT have gotten out of his damn vehicle. he is NOT a cop!


I do think when he made the decision to leave his car he had the extra courage of knowing he had a gun. The part he didnt think through was what if he had to use it. Im pretty sure if he thought it through he would have stayed in the car.

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i agree, i don't think he wanted to shoot anyone or even pull it out. I would never want to be in that situation. I don't like how the media and many that saw the reports first assume zimmerman WANTED to kill a kid.
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oh no i trully dont believe he wanted to kill anyone. but his avoidable actions did cost someone their life.


i really worried that after he is found not guilty. because he is not guilty of murder in the letter of the law. that the law will be attacked because of the apparent hole in it. the long standing repercussions of which will be felt by all of us guns owners.

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im curious, did you ever listen to the 911 call yourself?


zimmerman was not much bigger than martin, martin weighed in 160-170 and was 6'0 to 6'2", zimmerman is 5'8" to 5'9" and weighed between 170 and 200 lbs.


M weighed 156 according to the autopsy...........................

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