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Women driverz LOL


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I'm glad you see it that way too. Again, not knowing the details but I'm on the side of saying good for her. I LOL when she knocked his ass over. :gabe:





exactly. he's all butt hurt because he kicked her car and she then showed him how to fucking do it. props to the SUV. two wrongs don't make a right but man up and take your ass whooping like a man. kick a car and that car just might bite your ass. pick up your crotch rocket and humility and walk away. calling the cops is pussing out on something like this when you were the one starting it.


I'm with you. " He scared me officer, I jumped, my SUV hit him by accident, he then physically came after me and I was in fear and tried to drive off."


Me thinks next time she'll do it right. I would give it a thumbs up vid if it were on live leak instead showing her run him over.


Ill be sure to kick your white mazda 3 every time if you attempt to cut me off.


First off, you wouldn't have tried to block him in and not let him get between you and the other car, or would you?


If so, you deserve your car to be kicked.



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First off, you wouldn't have tried to block him in and not let him get between you and the other car, or would you?


If so, you deserve your car to be kicked.


Probably not, but let's say I did. So? You say I deserve to get my car kicked. Great, I'll buy that. Now, do I then deserve to fuck you up? I say yes. If you say no then you're a hypocrite.


Driver cuts off biker = bad. Biker then kicks car = good. Driver then fucks up biker = bad?

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P.S. Since there are so many biker apologists in this thread, please let me know if it's legal to cut lanes.


Honestly, I don't know, but I figure all of you motorcycle experts will tell me. Is it legal for a motorcyclist to go between cars on a road like that?

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Probably not, but let's say I did. So? You say I deserve to get my car kicked. Great, I'll buy that. Now, do I then deserve to fuck you up? I say yes. If you say no then you're a hypocrite.


Driver cuts off biker = bad. Biker then kicks car = good. Driver then fucks up biker = bad?


Driver gets out of car to settle =good

driver stays in shielded environment =bad

ccw's level the playing field.

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I believe the handbook says its not recommended. Not sure. Ive seen so many do it i would think its ok.


You are in control of the bikers life though. You cut him off=wrong. He hits your car, saying hey don't do that back off. So you think its appropriate to run him over?!?!


This would have been avoided by not cutting him off and minding your own business.

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Driver gets out of car to settle =good

driver stays in shielded environment =bad

ccw's level the playing field.


I'm not sure I follow.


It's good for the driver to get out to confront a person for kicking their car? And then, let's say, I hit the biker with a tire iron. Is that okay? But me running over the guy isn't?

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Raising a morality issue on CR.... :lolguy:


I understand your point of view Johnny, but doesn't it seem a little egregious to try and run someone over for kicking your car, or pull a gun on someone...when YOU started the confrontation?

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I believe the handbook says its not recommended. Not sure. Ive seen so many do it i would think its ok.


You are in control of the bikers life though. You cut him off=wrong. He hits your car, saying hey don't do that back off. So you think its appropriate to run him over?!?!


This would have been avoided by not cutting him off and minding your own business.


For the record, I don't mind bikers doing that at all. And, for the record, I don't think I would have cut the guy off. I'm just not like that.


However, we're having a lively little debate here, so I'll set all of that to the side and continue. Also, that's not the crux of the argument, so stop acting as though I'm trying to advocate for people running over bikers that are jerks.


So, first, it's okay for the biker to break the law (splitting lanes) and, when corrected (cut off by the driver), it's okay for him to retaliate (kick the car), but not for the driver to retaliate? Trying to explain that one (since you didn't bother explaining what I initially asked to be explained).

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Raising a morality issue on CR.... :lolguy:


I understand your point of view Johnny, but doesn't it seem a little egregious to try and run someone over for kicking your car, or pull a gun on someone...when YOU started the confrontation?


Do I apologize to the guy who brought a knife to a gun fight when I'm holding the gun?


The way I see it: you can't escalate a confrontation and then cry foul afterward.


(Also, I've just completely abandoned my initial points made in this thread and will just entertain whatever hypotheticals you seem intent to design for me. Before we're done, you'll have me stabbing the biker in the face, kicking his puppy, and raping his wife.)

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So i guess its legal in Cali and a host of other countries outside america.


Okay, let's just say, for the sake of argument, it's completely legal to split lanes.


Biker was splitting lanes. Yay, you're totally legal dude.


Mean, douche driver cuts off biker. Hey, that's a foul! Driver in the wrong.


So, biker kicks the car. Appropriate response? Well, to me, no, it's not. Seems a bit too much, really. Driver cutting off biker is not as egregious (nice word, BTW) as biker kicking the driver's car. Rather, it appears that biker has escalated the confrontation by using a response that is not appropriate to the insult.


How about this: guy is riding a skateboard down the sidewalk. Another guy intentionally steps out in front of him, cutting him off. Skater wobbles, almost crashes, but doesn't. Skater stops and, in his anger, slaps the guy in the face who cut him off. Guy then body slams skater, breaking his back.


Who is in the wrong in that situation?

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(Also, I've just completely abandoned my initial points made in this thread and will just entertain whatever hypotheticals you seem intent to design for me. Before we're done, you'll have me stabbing the biker in the face, kicking his puppy, and raping his wife.)


:dumb: :lolguy:

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Okay, let's just say, for the sake of argument, it's completely legal to split lanes.


Biker was splitting lanes. Yay, you're totally legal dude.


Mean, douche driver cuts off biker. Hey, that's a foul! Driver in the wrong.


So, biker kicks the car. Appropriate response? Well, to me, no, it's not. Seems a bit too much, really. Driver cutting off biker is not as egregious (nice word, BTW) as biker kicking the driver's car. Rather, it appears that biker has escalated the confrontation by using a response that is not appropriate to the insult.


How about this: guy is riding a skateboard down the sidewalk. Another guy intentionally steps out in front of him, cutting him off. Skater wobbles, almost crashes, but doesn't. Skater stops and, in his anger, slaps the guy in the face who cut him off. Guy then body slams skater, breaking his back.


Who is in the wrong in that situation?


So, what would be an appropriate presponse by the biker then? If kicking his car to say, thats not cool, when its totally legal for me to do so, you are not an authority figure, you have no right to make calls like that and to put me in danger....what is the right response?


To the second claim, i feel that the kid on the skateboard made the wrong move. Since the person did not do it to cause harm. It could have easily been prevented by the person who stepped out saying sorry, both parting ways. Thats what i would have done. If the skateboarder still wanted beef, then yea, kick his ass. But, if wasn't intentional, so no harm no foul.

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So, what would be an appropriate presponse by the biker then? If kicking his car to say, thats not cool, when its totally legal for me to do so, you are not an authority figure, you have no right to make calls like that and to put me in danger....what is the right response?


To the second claim, i feel that the kid on the skateboard made the wrong move. Since the person did not do it to cause harm. It could have easily been prevented by the person who stepped out saying sorry, both parting ways. Thats what i would have done. If the skateboarder still wanted beef, then yea, kick his ass. But, if wasn't intentional, so no harm no foul.


Not sure what would have been appropriate response by the biker, just like I don't really have a good definition for obscenity. But I know an inappropriate response when I see it, just like - as Justice Stewart of US Supreme Court has said - I know obscenity when I see it. My take was that the biker's response was inappropriate. Doesn't really matter to me what would have been more appropriate, only that what he did wasn't.


The kid on the skateboard and the biker are the same: both escalated a confrontation. That's my humble take.

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Also, just additional food for thought:


- what if the driver was in a Lambo or other, clearly expensive, exotic car? I wonder how people would have perceived the kick by the biker then.


- what if the driver was a male? Would that have made any difference?


I'm not implying either would, just wondering out loud.

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Way I see it, a guy on a bike is much like a pedestrian when compared to someone in a car. There is no safety structure around the biker. In the skater example, both were on equal footing. But in the video, the driver of the SUV used a 2-ton vehicle in a lethal fashion against an unprotected and unarmed person.


When she instigated the situation by blocking what may or may not have been a legal maneuver and was called on it, she reacted by trying to anger the rider further. He may have overreacted by trying to dent her fender, but in no way was he threatening her life.


She responded to that by trying to kill him. I don't see that as an appropriate response to a non-lethal reaction to a situation she instigated. She could have reported him. Or driven away and ignored a bad situation. But instead she tried to CRUSH him against another car, then RUN HIM OVER, and finally CUT HIM IN HALF with a lightpole.


I can only hope she gets convicted of attempted murder.

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I guess I'm not. da - devils advocate. :gabe:

Ahhh. haha Got ya. ;)


Spam, thanks for the lively discussion.


To the rest of the field: look forward to your responses, if there's any interest left in this thread.

Thank god for another level head in here.


Way I see it, a guy on a bike is much like a pedestrian when compared to someone in a car. There is no safety structure around the biker. In the skater example, both were on equal footing. But in the video, the driver of the SUV used a 2-ton vehicle in a lethal fashion against an unprotected and unarmed person.


When she instigated the situation by blocking what may or may not have been a legal maneuver and was called on it, she reacted by trying to anger the rider further. He may have overreacted by trying to dent her fender, but in no way was he threatening her life.


She responded to that by trying to kill him. I don't see that as an appropriate response to a non-lethal reaction to a situation she instigated. She could have reported him. Or driven away and ignored a bad situation. But instead she tried to CRUSH him against another car, then RUN HIM OVER, and finally CUT HIM IN HALF with a lightpole.


I can only hope she gets convicted of attempted murder.


As far as Im concerned, they were both in the wrong. You don't get to be less wrong just because someone escalates a situation further than you would've liked. lol

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I think she went way too far. That being said, I'm kinda surprised by some of the responses that is was acceptable for him to kick the car. This is a car enthusiast website. Most on here would agree that fucking with someone's car is completely unacceptable. If you do... expect the worst.
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I think she went way too far. That being said, I'm kinda surprised by some of the responses that is was acceptable for him to kick the car. This is a car enthusiast website. Most on here would agree that fucking with someone's car is completely unacceptable. If you do... expect the worst.


Lots of the car guys on here also ride motorcycles and probably value their lives more than a material possession.

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Lots of the car guys on here also ride motorcycles and probably value their lives more than a material possession.


I've ridden bikes my whole life. Currently own a Triumph Sprint ST. I've dealt with tons of assholes but never felt the need to kick their car. I just flip them the bird and move on.

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Ill be sure to kick your white mazda 3 every time if you attempt to cut me off.


I didn't see her cut him off did you? However, if someone tried lane splitting me in Ohio, depending on the situation, especially if it were reckless, it could very likely not likely end comfortably for the biker. Just saying.....and if someone tries to lane split or cut into traffic like he was and get's cock-blocked then goes off and kicks a car, he should not be surprise when the car kicks back. He dished it then gets pissed when she knocks him on his ass and then approaches her car as if he was going to do her harm.


That's when she appears to flee for safety and he happens to jump up on her hood. IMO she was obviously freaked as I doubt she'd have ran across lanes of traffic and crashed into a parked car. If she really went that far to actually inflict harm or kill him, then why did she all of a sudden stop trying and allow him to reach in her car? Why didn't she continue to try and kill him?

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