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Home Repair (Header board in basement)


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I live in a split level and someone before me felt the need to repair a header board by counting out a 4 inch by 15 inch section of the board. Then they put a 3 inch by 14 inch board back in there leaving a nice 1 inch gap all the way around the board.

This was behind some drywall so nothing was noticed until it rotted a small section of the header board as well as a couple of the floor joices.

I live on a hill and over the years a small section of soil level had gotten up against back of house in a 3 foot area. This allowed the water to over a 8 year period slowly seep thru and rot some of the boards.

I plan on supporting weight of house cutting out bad sections of the wood and repairing them.

My question is the board that will be up against back of house will be treated. What would be the best method of sealing the board that I will be patching so to stop water from getting in after that. Just use lots of caulking. Should I put some type of flashing over as well as caulking. The soil level is brought down below the edge there should be no problem but heavy rains could cause some splashing in that area.

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