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Sketchy racing


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I show up at hd last nite around 1230, don't see anyone I know so I'm just standing there, a few kids roll up asking questions and my only response was " does anyone have money?" it was almost like I just said the no no word. One kid steps up and says "I got 20", good enough. So we were suppose to run a black Ss, a boosted s2k, and a mk supra(claims it was modded). So we roll out I realize the whole parking lot comes out w/ us. I instantly bail out. I hit 270 and pulled way ahead to get away from things a bit, only to find out that they sent out like 10 cars lining the free way with cameras and spectators. Really??? That's not obvious at fucking all. So I get passed 315 when the three come blowing by me , they broke from the group, so I hopped back in and blazed all three cars w/ the known 2 honk and bounce. They didn't even know what happened. Collected my monies and took off. Needless to say they were a bit reckless with their driving. Swirving in & out of traffic. 1 kid even hit the birm. I prolly won't be doing that again, I'm getting too old for that shit. Clearly they don't know the rules.
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what kind of car hit the birm?


You are the most popular person out there, everyone was asking about your car. I just laughed and said it was stock. It was a black s2k that on the shoulder to pass someone.

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"the rules" of street racing. LoL.


You know the rules, 40 roll, don't race when other cars are directly in front of you or too close behind, no switching lanes or cutting people off, ect ect. Basically don't put others in harms way of your dumbness. I feel like if your going to run on the freeway do it as safe as possible. That sounds bass ackwards but it's true

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Its close to stock. you must have left with a group just before me and the silver gto left. I totally agree though way to many people following on the freeway


Must have, but that was way too much going on for me to do it again. I miss the days of 2/3 cars rolling out and coming back and showing the video to everyone in the parking lot. This stuff they are doing now is out of hand. I saw a tripod set up...

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I will give it until the end of May before something happens, there is another big public bust, and HD gets shut down. There are just to many cars on the road these days to do shit like this, and the fact you have all these clingons that go out to watch makes it worse.


Look at the videos of the shit that happend down in Tampa and that is what will happen here.

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I will give it until the end of May before something happens, there is another big public bust, and HD gets shut down. There are just to many cars on the road these days to do shit like this, and the fact you have all these clingons that go out to watch makes it worse.


Look at the videos of the shit that happend down in Tampa and that is what will happen here.


Usually I would fite with u on this but after seeing it last nite, you are correct. The reckless driving shit scared me. I'm all about roll racing, but not at the cost of endangering other people. Just not worth it.

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Bunch of local kids think HD is the greatest thing since sliced bread. They are always trying to get me to go up there, I just don't see the point as the last 2 times I have been up there its sucked balls. I agree that there are a ton of highschool retards hanging out up there. Hell last year I had a group ask if the thing coming out of my hood was my intake, I replied "Nah that is my snorkle, I baja buggy the fuck out of this thing", sad thing is they believed that lol.


Stay safe to those that are running, I don't wanna watch a video of someone from here like the one from Tampa

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Usually I would fite with u on this but after seeing it last nite, you are correct. The reckless driving shit scared me. I'm all about roll racing, but not at the cost of endangering other people. Just not worth it.


HD has turned into the shortbus version of the texas supra meet. There are people up there that make it suck to just hang out and talk with CR people.


The best still was that dumb kid that told Anthony that firebirds don't come with V8's while looking at his car. I was waiting for Anthony to tell him it as a JDM car from up north...

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HD has turned into the shortbus version of the texas supra meet. There are people up there that make it suck to just hang out and talk with CR people.


The best still was that dumb kid that told Anthony that firebirds don't come with V8's while looking at his car. I was waiting for Anthony to tell him it as a JDM car from up north...


That's as bad as last nite I was talkin to a kid with an Ss and some idiot looks at me and is like is it an rs??? I responded" are you serous 98-02 didn't have an rs model" I kid u not he said "I go to wyotech we see them all the time......" I told him whatever school u go to you need to leave when u hear someone say a 99 camaro rs. Pack of dummies popping hoods and getting excited about a stock 2jz.

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Lols, I got there and every kid in the parking lot with a halfass Subaru (read: not Draco) came up "IS DAT AN STI??? LETS RACE WHAT YOU GOT DONE TO IT BRO"


I just enjoy looking at cars and talking with the people I know.

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Damn, I know the economy is bad, but I didn't realize the bad. Risking life and jail for $20 is focking stupid. Is it even enough to cover gas money??


I want to head up to Milan for some of their no et races. They dont prep the tack as much so it is as close to the street as possible. You better bring your big boy bank roll because some of the big dogs don't even start their cars unless the race is for 3k or more

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