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California is just stupid.....


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Wow that article is just filled with bad ideas.

"Windshields, backlights and sunroofs are also slated to get reflective coatings starting in 2012."

THAT'LL be fun to deal with when you've got the sun to your back at sundown and a line of cars coming at you.

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So who cares? people in cali can't buy a black car or any other dark color. I think its stupid that the state has to pass a law, its not like they are on to something, most people out there already realize that dark cars are hot. When I was out there I even asked my buddy whats with all the white cars. It just makes sense.

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No problem, just paint them black on the under-side. It's a common practice on small aircraft. Silver or white on top, and color on the bottom.

I'm sure that next big thing will be daylight sensitive paint, or temperature sensitive paint. Something that will turn black when the sun isn't out.

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They pushed a similar initiative years ago in regards to roofing materials and colors. It's a proven science in a state that receives more than 300 days a year of sunshine. I realize that most of the Ohio natives here don't realize what type of strain having 200+ days a year which require 80% of households to run their A/C units. If I have to choose between not purchasing a dark colored car or not having rolling brown outs, I'll give up the car colors!

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