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pure big brother bullshit


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It was only a matter of time and technology. After the Gov't won the argument that driving is a privilege not a right it pretty much keeps it wide open for them to abuse it.


More of a reason to buy a car prior to 2015 and drive it until you die.

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The sick thing is that in our history classes we will mock dictators for how they ran their spying governments, yet this is what we are turning into. These god dam tree hugger/we love the world people are making it so that its bad to fail in a competitive situation or to have to figure shit out on your own. They play right into this "new" government need to spy on everything in order to honestly protect their budgets, payroll, etc... because they will be used as some social good project to protect everyone. Somehow we are having budget shortfalls across the board, but we can put this black box shit in every new car after 2015?


For example, what it the use of this "war on drugs" when we allow our borders to be wide open? Then if you say if your against illegal immigration, your racist? If we are so concerned about peoples safety, why in the fuck do we still allow cigarettes or alcohol considering it has been proven time and time again to kill thousands of people


I'm speechless.


Stopped reading right there. I don't know how many history classes you have taken, I have taken a lot, but they don't typically mock the subject(s) of analysis.

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For example, what it the use of this "war on drugs" when we allow our borders to be wide open? Then if you say if your against illegal immigration, your racist?


What do you mean by this? Have you ever traveled outside the US? Have you ever tried coming into the US without a US passport?

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Kickass, that was a reference to the vast illegal immigration problem with our southern border. Poor clarification on my part.


Hal, it's normal for classes/media to go on an on about how this country is so great due to our freedoms and put shame to North Korea/China/muslim countries due to their personal freedom shortfalls.

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Kickass, that was a reference to the vast illegal immigration problem with our southern border. Poor clarification on my part.


Hal, it's normal for classes/media to go on an on about how this country is so great due to our freedoms and put shame to North Korea/China/muslim countries due to their personal freedom shortfalls.


You're now grouping the media and history classes together? No, it's not normal for history courses to do anything other than analyze the available materials. I've studied incredibly barbaric periods along side modern history, never have I had a professor "put shame" on other countries. They discuss what the primary and secondary sources say, then form an opinion based upon that. In the history discipline, you do not go in with biases like you are suggesting. The most introductory history course should explain that you must shed biases to properly study history.

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