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its 500% of whatever your +dmg from items. Then skills will often says 120% dmg. like jeffro just said, in your character/inventory page it will say damage on the list, thats how much total you're doing.


But doing WHEN?


When I stab someone with my knife? Or when I drop a pool of boiling acid on their heads?


Physical damage is easy, but I think Brians question, and mine as well, is how much damage are we doing with the various and sundry spells we are using, and does the weapon we are holding (For the record, I am level 33 and have never once stabbed anyone with my actual knife in this game) effect the output of our spells? It would have been nice for Blizz to put in some quantifications on their spell list like "108-145 damage".

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But doing WHEN?


When I stab someone with my knife? Or when I drop a pool of boiling acid on their heads?


Physical damage is easy, but I think Brians question, and mine as well, is how much damage are we doing with the various and sundry spells we are using, and does the weapon we are holding (For the record, I am level 33 and have never once stabbed anyone with my actual knife in this game) effect the output of our spells? It would have been nice for Blizz to put in some quantifications on their spell list like "108-145 damage".


I know what you're saying. I miss seeing actual possible damage numbers there, as well. However, it is possible to turn on damage being done to monsters so that you can see what each hit/spell does in real time. Options, of course.

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I Enjoy this game, I really do, but, like any other game, there are some things I would have done differently, and some things that I just flat out can’t believe are an issue.

Items. Seriously? A Diablo game that doesn’t have enough cool loot drops? Has anyone of you gotten anything at all better than a rare? In D2, you could get lucky and hit a unique or set item as soon as you walked out of the rogue camp. Not so in D3, where the loot system seems so rigidly scaled that there is no reason to even quest in the lower areas. This feels too much like WoW in that way.

Balance issues. Sooo….some classes are more powerful than others? Well, duh, so what? We aren’t PVPing yet, and everyone in a group gets credit for the kill regardless of who does the most damage, so whats the big deal? Some classes find it harder to survive than others at higher levels, which just surprises me. Character tuning really shouldn’t be a problem, given how long they’ve been in development. Especially the barbarian, who has been around for, um, 12 years.

Simplicity. D2 was getting patched and tweaked and upgraded for ten of the last 12 years, until what you had was essentially a masterwork of a game. And you know what, it was complex as all get out. Like 50 different Runes that you combined to make words and then put into slotted items, more than 4 different kinds of Gems, Unique and Set Items, Stones of Jordan…I mean, you needed a damn calculator and a knowledge of algebra just to figure out how much damage you could do. In D3, the spells don’t even tell me what the base damage is! I don’t know how much damage my acid rain does, because that isn’t listed anywhere. I mean, you spent all this time getting D2 to be just perfect, and then you turn and scrap that decade of work for a lot of D3. Honestly, I feel like D3 should look at launch how D2 looked after ten years of support, except much prettier, with a new story, and the Real money auction house and new characters to play. I would have freaking LOVED that game.

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I know what you're saying. I miss seeing actual possible damage numbers there, as well. However, it is possible to turn on damage being done to monsters so that you can see what each hit/spell does in real time. Options, of course.


Yeah look in the gameplay options.

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I finished today with a wizard soloing. Wizard feels like easy mode even in nightmare and is the same boring routine now. Wasting an entire room full seconds after entering the door is only fun for the first 100 times or so. I took wizard first as I thought there would be more tactics with the time bubble and stuff, but it's much easier to just spam blizzard and disintegrate, using chain lightning with the +arcane power passive skill. Use frost nova + meteor for elites and bosses. (A few bosses were made completely inneffetive with spamming the cooldown-less blizzard spell.)


Anyway I'm going to start a Witch Doctor now for multiplayer.


Also, the story is pretty lame and filled with plotholes. I agree about the loot system being jacked up also. Game is still really fun despite those flaws.

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Has anyone made it to inferno difficulty yet ? Shit gets real! Much easier for the ranged classes but barbs have it rough at least initially ...


A buddy I play with beat inferno solo with his wizard 2 days ago.


He is a crazy motherfucker, FYI.

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Spent all day yesterday gathering the stuff for Whimseyshire. Those ponies are fucking strong in nightmare. I made a quick little write up for anyone interested. You can gather everything on normal mode and then spend some GP to use it on nightmare/hell/inferno


Anyone want to help me with the "cow level later"? My 46 WD has a tough time.

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