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i still play nightly. level 57 Witch doctor. 22k DPS. Act 2 hell.


Id like to install it on my work computer, or play from work, but cannot play from here because of blocked ports. Trying to VNC into my home computer but i forgot to get my IP before i left this morning.

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Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that Diablo walks like a girl, is a little "hip-py" and has boobs?







.....I still did him/her/it with ma 32lvl Barbarian. No lube style.


I agree, seems more like a woman. Liked the design better in 2

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Yeah if I join a pub with no good barbarians I just leave, and I'm only on Act 2 in Hell.


act 1 inferno. I fucking hate it when shitty players join up and cant deal the extra damage required when playing with additional players.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Of course, got 2 60's and a 57-58 im trying to 60 now. Whats your name and ###'s?




lame, servers are down.


idk what my tag is so ill add you when they are back up.


ive got a 60 wd, 60 barb, and a 30 wizard

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