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Trendsetter of the month:


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He migrated it, and for that we thank him.


Rustle on


One does not simply just create the phrase "rustled jimmies".


This. I have noticed that all of the new big trends on the Misc make their way over have. Pepper your angus, rustled jimmies, etc.


Misc/4chan then rolls down to smaller forums.



These. If I see something lol worthy on other forums I'll bring them here to enhance CR vocabulary.


Other words/phrases i've brought here from the misc in the past have been:

Pepper ur angus

Cheeky Kunt



And now Rustled Jimmies.



I think I was even the guy who awared alot of people on here awhile back about the Misc. But i'm sure there were a few on here who knew about it before I started posting sayings from there. I've been on that site since 2005.


You guys are very welcome :)







































Ya fucking cheeky ass Kunts.

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"The phrase originated on the /r9k/ board of 4chan on December 15th, 2010 in a thread about “times when someone really rustled your jimmies.” It was told in the style of a normal greentext story on 4chan, except using the outdated language from the 1950s. However, Google Insights reveals that the phrase “really rustled my jimmies” has been spotted as trending as early as in June 2010, which remains unverified."



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