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China In Trouble?


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Dong, where is my workforce?


lol I am completey suprised at how much this made me laugh when I read it.


As for China, not suprised a bit. It's all image with them. Let them keep inflating that balloon till it pops.

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am I the only one who thought about this when I read the title






This is how you win at the internet kids, 80's movie reference, topical, and it has k-russle with a mullet.

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Greece needs to just leave the euro at this point, i think bailing them out with stimulus would be a disaster. Id like to see Germany shore up Italy/Spain/Portugual and greece just gtfo worthless country.


Nothing good is going to come out of this situation and it sucks for us.


Then you have our great leaders about to put the gun in the mouth of our country and pull the trigger




The GOP is going to try and cram their "we want to stop spending (but not for our special interest)" line in our bholes, while trying to throw the President under the bus for this years election.

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Nothing good is going to come out of this situation and it sucks for us.


Then you have our great leaders about to put the gun in the mouth of our country and pull the trigger




The GOP is going to try and cram their "we want to stop spending (but not for our special interest)" line in our bholes, while trying to throw the President under the bus for this years election.


I read a interesting article yesterday that pointed out that Obama has made the smallest in crease in spending of any president to date.



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I read a interesting article yesterday that pointed out that Obama has made the smallest in crease in spending of any president to date.




um all you have to do to figure out is look at the levels of national debt that increased from obamas term starting when he took office.


China isnt dumb, they will fix and correct it before an economic collapse happens. Instead of using the same policies that got the US in the mess like spend spend spend., in debt spend more. people through away money, give them more. Businesses leaving the US, tax them more. Companies going bankrupt, give them money so they dont, but they end up filing bankruptcy anyways.


Austrian economics is the only way out.

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um all you have to do to figure out is look at the levels of national debt that increased from obamas term starting when he took office.


China isnt dumb, they will fix and correct it before an economic collapse happens. Instead of using the same policies that got the US in the mess like spend spend spend., in debt spend more. people through away money, give them more. Businesses leaving the US, tax them more. Companies going bankrupt, give them money so they dont, but they end up filing bankruptcy anyways.


Austrian economics is the only way out.

The national debt level is not a direct refection on increased spending so I see your statement built on this premise to be wrong.


You can increase the debt by not having enough income that DOES NOT TRANSLATE to spending. It's translates to lessincome

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um all you have to do to figure out is look at the levels of national debt that increased from obamas term starting when he took office.


China isnt dumb, they will fix and correct it before an economic collapse happens. Instead of using the same policies that got the US in the mess like spend spend spend., in debt spend more. people through away money, give them more. Businesses leaving the US, tax them more. Companies going bankrupt, give them money so they dont, but they end up filing bankruptcy anyways.


Austrian economics is the only way out.


Amen to this, plus china is ruthless so they'll do unimaginable shiit to avoid economic melt down (like start wars, taking over other countries, and robbing other countries resources).

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The national debt level is not a direct refection on increased spending so I see your statement built on this premise to be wrong.


You can increase the debt by not having enough income that DOES NOT TRANSLATE to spending. It's translates to lessincome

We're continually running deficits, tax revenue has dropped, and we accrue interest on our debt, so of course the national debt will continue to rise, no matter who was holding office.

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We're continually running deficits, tax revenue has dropped, and we accrue interest on our debt, so of course the national debt will continue to rise, no matter who was holding office.


unless the person holding office would really cut and not just talk about cutting. unfortunately no R or D had the balls to do that.


that is why the only hope was RP.

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unless the person holding office would really cut and not just talk about cutting. unfortunately no R or D had the balls to do that.


that is why the only hope was RP.

I agree, to a point. Until we have a surplus large enough to cover at least the interest on the national debt, it will continue to rise. (i know, duh) The problem is there are so many entitlement programs, earmarked spending, pet projects by congressman, etc. that even if the president made sweeping cuts in spending, it would never pass congress. Until everyone gets their heads out of the assessing and decides to do what's best for this country as a whole nothing will change, no matter who is in office.

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