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5 years in prison for rape, victim adds him on facebook.


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-Potential football star gets accused of rape

-goes to trial, either has to choose 41 years to life or 5 years in prison

-takes lawyers advice and serves 5

-"rape" victim adds guy on facebook the MEETS with guy in person

-guy secretly records girl, she admits that there was no rape

-guy gets taken off the sex offenders list and acquitted after serving the 5 years.


Bonus cliff: -girls mom sues the school and wins 1.5 million dollars, girl doesn't want to come forward to clear the guys name cause BUTCH DOESN'T WANT TO PAY THE MONEY BACK!





Now what happens to the girl who lied and put this man in jail for 5 years?


Will he receive any compensation for being falsely charged with rape and serving 5 years?

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She should have to serve the 41 years and be randomly raped every year.




She needs to serve time, pay back the money she won, and pay that guy for the rest of his life. I know he can get punitive damages from her, and likely her family. I hope that he goes after them for everything.

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She needs to serve time, pay back the money she won, and pay that guy for the rest of his life. I know he can get punitive damages from her, and likely her family. I hope that he goes after them for everything.


What kind of compensation is giving for being falsely charged of a crime and sentenced to X amount of years?


Here's a link to a man who did 18 years for rape. He was awarded 5 million.


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i'll be sure to bump this thread in 3 years.


Please do, I will provide a much more comprehensive analysis at that time. My current analysis is that she is fucked. /my analysis.

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They seriously need to make an EXAMPLE out of this bitch. It is not okay to just ruin someones life by opening your big dirty mouth.


He could have been at OSU ballin' out and getting tattoos!


He verbally committed to USC...



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There SHOULD be a criminal charge for false charge, but she was 15, so who knows if htat will happen.


And as far as civil suits go, He can file a civil suit against her, her family, the state, the attorney, etc.... I hope he does, and gets PLENTY of money, especially considering the extenuating circumstances of his potential career future.


The school can also file suit against her family for the return of the money...

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Young athletes all around the world should have some sort of legal support. Starting in your late high school career if you're anything promising you should automatically seek an attorney. Any female you come in contact with should have to sign a waiver stating they are legally consenting to sex.


It might kill the mood, but fuck it. It could possibly save your career.

Edited by 2pointslow
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CA gives 41-life for kidnap/rape? What were the original charges because that sounds awfully unusual (not saying it isn't just).


LOL yeah if I had money/career/etc I'd be gettin erry hoe to sign a waiver before she got any of my DNA. That's the America we've created.

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He's 26 years old now and prob not in footall shape considering he hasn't played since highschool.. I do hope the girl gets fucked (no pun intended) for this. Its crazy just how often these type of things happen. I jus read about a guy in Colorado who was released after nearly 30 years because new DNA technology cleared him of the murder in which he was found guilty of.
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