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Cyclist haters come on in.


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I literally go out of my way to toss something at bicyclist everytime they are taking up space on the road. Either it be a sandwich i'm eating or a drink i'm slurping down. I'm getting very good with my aim as well. That and I carry around an air horn that I blow right at them when I slow down next to them. Its ridiculously funny watching them flail around trying to keep the bike upright just before they lay it down into a ditch,field,woods, etc...


:lol: little paul FTW!!!

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It's worse on country roads. Alot of blind hills, driveways curves etc. I've had several of these annoying cyclists pull out in front of me, not obeying traffic laws, swerving cause there bullshiting w another wannabe lance Armstrong etc etc. They're a hazard to other motorists.


And I agree with making them be licensed, wanna ride your huffy on the road get a plate and registration like everyone else.


No business on the road period. That's why were have things called bike paths and trails in parks. Roads are for motor vehicles.

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You need to insure an ATV?


some places like Pennsylvania, which I usually ride at once a year, require it for state owned trails


Actually depending on the city you can license a atv and drive it on the road.


those are few and far between

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You guys talk a big game but I bet none of you do a damn thing when passing a cyclist other than get all butthurt as you go around.


Ive laid on my horn at 3 wide cyclists many times

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