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wiggers LOL

Green Bastard

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More police to decide that the activities taking place should no longer be tolerated, causing you "adults" to go find a new place to hang out. How do you not know how things function with these various spots?


The adult thing to do is not to put yourself in a testosterone rich, trouble prone environment. Especially if you have a wife, house, and a future kid. I guess at some point you will mature too.



Oh noes.... We would have to find a new place to hangout and bullshit about cars? END OF THE WORLD..:dumb:



There are ADULTS that go to Home depot to talk about cars, and many young kids under 21 that like to be stupid in the parking lot.


I have been to depot MANY times and it has NEVER been a trouble prone enviroment. Other than dumb people flying through the parking lot.. Which a cop in the parking lot would fix that issue.


Any car show is testosterone rich. Hell Cars and Coffee is.

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Possibly all valid points. I still don't think you needed the police to handle that lil issue. Someone should haves downed them the second he swung on that dude. Just my thoughts. It needed fine so it's all good



Calling 911 is not as "Emergency" as it used to be. By the time you get through the automated service and actually talk to the dispatcher (4 minutes) the guy was gone. So hopefully they got pulled over for DUI.

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Hey guys, I'm new to this whole car scene. Has anyone ever seen overly aggressive, semi-drunken behavior before? I can't believe people would act like that around cars. I am so glad no one was body slammed and that no one had to pull an Sks.


How about a sword? lol

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Oh noes.... We would have to find a new place to hangout and bullshit about cars? END OF THE WORLD..:dumb:



There are ADULTS that go to Home depot to talk about cars, and many young kids under 21 that like to be stupid in the parking lot.


I have been to depot MANY times and it has NEVER been a trouble prone enviroment. Other than dumb people flying through the parking lot.. Which a cop in the parking lot would fix that issue.


Any car show is testosterone rich. Hell Cars and Coffee is.


Well, sounds like you can be in charge of finding the next retard-grouping point. It's not as easy as it seems.


Stupidity in the parking lot = trouble :dumb:. You're new, and obviously stupid if you assume that isn't trouble, so I'll just mention a variety of past issues with that: accidents, someone pushing a port-a-potty with his car, drifting near cars and people, and a flipped Honda.


Never been trouble? Did you call the cops over some attempted fight? Were you not concerned about an aggressor carrying a weapon? :dumb:


A cop is not going to just sit in a parking lot to watch morons with their cars. They generally just come in and kick everyone out, especially because I'm sure Home Depot doesn't want the liability of morons, doing moronic things, in their lot.


You know as well as I do that C&C is not the same as Friday/Saturday night bullshit. Keep enjoying your rants about maturity and adulthood, but realize how dumb you sound.

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Well, sounds like you can be in charge of finding the next retard-grouping point. It's not as easy as it seems.


Stupidity in the parking lot = trouble :dumb:. You're new, and obviously stupid if you assume that isn't trouble

Where did I say that stupidity in the parking lot is not trouble?:dumb:


Never been trouble? Did you call the cops over some attempted fight? Were you not concerned about an aggressor carrying a weapon?

I called the cops due to the guy possibly having a gun.. He was a piece of shit thug. Who walks up to 50 people and talks mad shit and talks non stop about gangs? A guy that carries a fuckin gun. If it were just an attempted fight it never would have been posted on CR. It was obviously bigger than just an "attempted fight"


A cop is not going to just sit in a parking lot to watch morons with their cars. They generally just come in and kick everyone out, especially because I'm sure Home Depot doesn't want the liability of morons, doing moronic things, in their lot.

Really? They don't? How many times have you been to HD this year? They constantly sit in the parking lot, or by the redlight to watch whats going on. They constantly drive through the parking lot and check out the cars. :dumb:


I still stand that it was a good idea to call the police before shit got out of hand and bullets started flying.

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Hey guys, I'm new to this whole car scene. Has anyone ever seen overly aggressive, semi-drunken behavior before? I can't believe people would act like that around cars. I am so glad no one was body slammed and that no one had to pull an Sks.


Those were good times.

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Be rocky, don't carry a gun to a night car event :lol:


Silly newb


We don't have these problems in pickerington



I dont need to carry a gun. :dumb:



Be phil, steal a car and move it to the other side of the parking lot :lolguy:

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I dont need to carry a gun. :dumb:



Be phil, steal a car and move it to the other side of the parking lot :lolguy:


This^ poor Columbus kid problems.



North rich kid problems :p

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Oh noes.... We would have to find a new place to hangout and bullshit about cars? END OF THE WORLD..:dumb:



There are ADULTS that go to Home depot to talk about cars, and many young kids under 21 that like to be stupid in the parking lot.


I have been to depot MANY times and it has NEVER been a trouble prone enviroment. Other than dumb people flying through the parking lot.. Which a cop in the parking lot would fix that issue.


Any car show is testosterone rich. Hell Cars and Coffee is.

You have implied that "kids" under 21 do stupid things in the parking lot. If they did not, you wouldn't know that they like to do those things. Then you went on to say that it has never been a trouble prone environment. Finally you went on to say that stupidity in the parking lot is trouble. See where the contradiction is? You probably don't, but I can't help that ignorance.


That sounds trouble free. I know for a fact this guy had a gun and it was not an "attempted" fight. How do I know? I know because he brandished a gun after failing to fight. Wait, no, I forgot... He did not brandish a weapon after failing to fight, so it was obviously an attempted fight. :dumb:


Sitting to see what's going on (i.e., looking for races, etc...) is different than having an officer on special duty to watch your little play place. An "adult" might realize the difference. Further, an "adult" might realize how stupid his practice of hanging out at a place like that is, especially since cops feel the need to keep a close eye on things.


I still stand that it was a good idea to call the police before shit got out of hand and bullets started flying.


Cool, I don't care that you called the cops. You just can't stop contradicting yourself and trying to make yourself sound far more evolved than you actually are. Now, I'm on pins and needles awaiting your next attempt at explaining your advanced maturity. Please, please don't let me down and post yet another idiot's guide to self contradiction.

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I’m not saying I am "Far more evolved" than I actually am. I am saying as grown up's you do not stoop to a young "gang" members level and fight.


There is nothing wrong with meeting up on the weekends to bullshit about cars. That does not make you below an "Adult". Not everyone is there to "Set up races".


I can only imagine how this thread would have turned out if him, his faggot buddy, and the other people in the car would have pulled out guns and started shooting. Then I guess we would have found out how bad ass people are.



I’m sure your internet warrior skills would have helped you in a real life issue such as that. :dumb:

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hal, how can you say you know anything about the cops that roll through there from time to time if you haven't been out to home depot? the cops come through sometimes just to make sure there is no stupid bullshit going on. I've talked to the cop a few times personally, more or less they are for kicks, not out of any kind of need. hell, one cop admited that he didn't care about the 270 pulls one time, he just said "no digs, and not when there is a ton of traffic". he was by the way referring to weather or not he would pull someone over, not speaking for other cops.
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The guy was also threatening to hit people with his glass liquor bottle. So i believe calling the cops was a right call.


Honestly. If the cops came and took his ass away. I think we'd have a better chance of keeping home depot then if 50 guys beat the shit out of him.


In the end, he went back to the 'south' side and no one got hurt. Though I was rooting for the cops to come cause I figured he'd get tazed.

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Be Hal. Know everything about everything. Know everything about every meet. Know what to do about everything. Know how to handle everything. Yet hasn't been out to a meet in what.. 3-4 years?:dumb:
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Rocky, if the guy was threatening a large group you did the right thing. My money is on the guy trying to find an excuse to show off his new gun he got from his cousin. 85% chance he had a gun, 1% chance he had the balls to use it.


P.s. He will be back. They always come back.

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I dont need to carry a gun. :dumb:



Be phil, steal a car and move it to the other side of the parking lot :lolguy:


i didnt steal it, i used my rookie valet skills to help him out. his car would have been in harms way of the "guy who may or may not have had a gun". i saw those kids before i left, you know how hard it is to hide a gun when your shirt is off???:confused: if he had a gun, it woulda been tucked in his waste band.... dumbasses..... but what do i know, i dont have a gun:p

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