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wiggers LOL

Green Bastard

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:lol: the fact that no one mobbed this dude was absolutley weak sauce. not never ever ever has someone just swung on me or any of my dudes and just walked away. sorry but i am right, there should have been a "welcome to home depot ass whippin" once this dude threw that blow.




"lets stand and video tape and do nothing about the situation"


smart move guys! :nono: remind me never to get into an altercation with someone while you guys are around.

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:lol: the fact that no one mobbed this dude was absolutley weak sauce. not never ever ever has someone just swung on me or any of my dudes and just walked away. sorry but i am right, there should have been a "welcome to home depot ass whippin" once this dude threw that blow.




"lets stand and video tape and do nothing about the situation"


smart move guys! :nono: remind me never to get into an altercation with someone while you guys are around.



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What would have been solved by kicking his ass? Explain..


Would it make you feel more of a man? Knowing you kicked a young kid that's fucked up on drugs/ alcohol?


Dude already had a black eye, so I'm sure a lesson would not have been taught..

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Weakest hit ever. Was the guy he hit with you guys? Either way I would've stomp kicked his sorry self if he even came near more or anyone I was with in a threatening manner. No, this isn't my keyboard talking.


If the guy he hit wasn't with the group he should at least have been called a moron and told to leave...at the very least.


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why didnt anyone fuck that kid up?


I would have pulled out a 53 degree wedge and gone to town on him. 100% serious.


Personally I would use my 60 degree.

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What would have been solved by kicking his ass? Explain..


Would it make you feel more of a man? Knowing you kicked a young kid that's fucked up on drugs/ alcohol?


Dude already had a black eye, so I'm sure a lesson would not have been taught..


This is why I got between hood rat #2 and my buddy Joe. Joe was instigating the situation and I wasn't in any kind of mood to have to jump in on a fight...especially with a couple of drunk ignorant fucks.


I'm not one to fight unless there is no other option especially against someone that seems as unstable and likely to take it to a potentially dangerous or fatal level. Joe didn't pursue the fight and neither of the hood rats did after the horribly thrown punch. They were not worth mine nor anyone else's time or energy so fuck anyone that wasn't there that says otherwise and fuck anyone else that was there and didn't do otherwise.


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Do you need clarification?


Not really since I don't really care. I just found it funny you're mad at "anoyone who wasn't there and says otherwise" as well as "anyone who was there and didn't do otherwise." So you're butthurt at people who weren't there and said they'd stand up to them but also butthurt at people who were there and didn't stand up to them?

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i feel bad for joe getting swung on, though he shouldnt have been yelling back. not saying joe was completely wrong, the guy did need to pick up his trash and leave. but i believe had everyone ignored him he would have left without conflict. though the way rocky handled it was correct, i thought the end result of them being so butt sore was helarious. i thought it would have been funnier if the cops had shown up while they were there. i could see them resisting arrest and getting tazed.
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Not really since I don't really care. I just found it funny you're mad at "anoyone who wasn't there and says otherwise" as well as "anyone who was there and didn't do otherwise." So you're butthurt at people who weren't there and said they'd stand up to them but also butthurt at people who were there and didn't stand up to them?


now my head hurts....but what's funny is your right on and I follow it and agree with it.

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Not really since I don't really care. I just found it funny you're mad at "anoyone who wasn't there and says otherwise" as well as "anyone who was there and didn't do otherwise." So you're butthurt at people who weren't there and said they'd stand up to them but also butthurt at people who were there and didn't stand up to them?


They were stood up to. They were sent home looking like the foolish wiggers they were said to be without anyone having to engage them in the senseless and drunken violence that they were looking for.


And to clarify...no I'm not butt hurt in the least and anyone can troll the situation as much as you want, but I'm glad it didn't escalate any further then it did..cause if it had I could have potentially lost a good friend to a trigger happy lowlife piece of shit. And idk anyone that would be willing to risk that over wanting to knock the dog shit out of a couple drunk idiots.

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