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Filling in wire mounting holes?


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I wanted to check to see what others are using to fill in holes under the hood where wire clips used to be. I've cleaned up a lot of the wiring under my hood and looking to finish by filling in the holes and painting the top of the wheel wells. What as worked well for you and what hasn't? Pictures are welcome as well.
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If there is access behind but that area wont be readily visible to the casual looker (I did it filling ground effects holes in a Z28 door), I took small pieces of sheet metal(size of a quarter) and used epoxy in the little syringes they sell at WalMart and glued the little pieces to the backside then filled with bondo. Since the back of the holes were obscured I drilled 1/16" holes in the filler pieces, knotted the end of fishing line, and usd that to thread through the hole and hold the patches in until the epoxy dried.
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