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girlfriends parents


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My thought about this is.......... It is your choice to take that risk everyday you ride, but most passengers don't understand the risk involved, they just want to go for a ride. It's a huge responsibility to ride a passenger. Don't know what I'de do, if i ever hurt someone !!

If you have several years of seat time, I'de say go for it, if your a first or second years rider, ?????? maybee respect thier wishes ? How old is she that hher parents have say in anything ?? ??

Try not to second guess yourself too much. You can't do that making decisions in a split second. those survival reactions are a mother !!

+1 Ive let couple girls ride with me but i dont like it at all so that is why my bike is becoming a one person bike lol.

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+1 Ive let couple girls ride with me but i dont like it at all so that is why my bike is becoming a one person bike lol.

Riding with a passenger is completely different. Your goal becomes protection of the passenger. Or it should anyway. The bike handles different, and there is two people steering it. It takes practice, from both rider and passenger. Everything about it changes. It's like learning all over again.

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As a mother of three and 8 years your senior, I would say respect her parents as long as she is living under their roof. There is a ton of risk involved when taking on a passenger, and even though you may have done it before, you are still a rookie. I know that as long as my girls are living with me, I won't let them either. It only pays to keep a close watch over your children, and I don't blame her parents. If she wants to do what she wants, then she needs to move out and take on her own responsiblities. Not to be a bitch...but that's just the way it is. :D

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well my ? Would be why is your driving record in question? Honestly, if someone i knew had a lot of accidents or speeding/moving violations, i sure as heck wouldn't let a loved one on the bike either.

Sorry bro, i would count my blessings that shes allowed in a car with ya if thats the case. My hs g/f wasnt and i had a 100% clean record, just an extremely modded/fast car.

I would say, wait until you have shown them with no tickets etc. That you are safe, then they will better believe you.

+1, qft

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My thought about this is.......... It is your choice to take that risk everyday you ride, but most passengers don't understand the risk involved, they just want to go for a ride. It's a huge responsibility to ride a passenger. Don't know what I'de do, if i ever hurt someone !!

If you have several years of seat time, I'de say go for it, if your a first or second years rider, ?????? maybee respect thier wishes ? How old is she that hher parents have say in anything ?? ??

Try not to second guess yourself too much. You can't do that making decisions in a split second. those survival reactions are a mother !!

best post ever! The girlfriends bike doesn't even have a back seat and I sold my passenger seat on ebay over a year ago.

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lol, wut

put yourself in the position of the dad:

your daughter's boyfriend who has a shitty driving record in a car and may or may not have numerous accidents under his belt (this makes him "experienced" fo sho!) wants to take one of the most precious things he has in his life on a what is widely regarded as a death trap.

you, as the father, tell him no. you suck at driving safely, and it can only get worse on a bike.

said boyfriend takes daughter anyway, may or may not crash

you, as the father, finds out. father gets out his 12 gauge...


good luck

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:plus1: Do you even have gear for her to wear like a proper fitting helmet? Trust me its not worth it to fight with her parents

no, not yet... we were looking and she found a few helmets and jackets that she liked so it maybe a b-day present thats coming up in june.

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lol, wut

put yourself in the position of the dad:

your daughter's boyfriend who has a shitty driving record in a car and may or may not have numerous accidents under his belt (this makes him "experienced" fo sho!) wants to take one of the most precious things he has in his life on a what is widely regarded as a death trap.

you, as the father, tell him no. you suck at driving safely, and it can only get worse on a bike.

said boyfriend takes daughter anyway, may or may not crash

you, as the father, finds out. father gets out his 12 gauge...


good luck

and he does have a 12 gauge... so thats a scary scenario!!

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and he does have a 12 gauge... so thats a scary scenario!!

that's cause i'm her dad, you stupid bitch!


after I fist her

jaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaaay

haw haw haw

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