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Husky puppy


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ive been looking into getting a husky puppy here in about 2 months after we move into a house with a yard. i dont think it would be fair to a dog to have him/her in an apartment. does anyone here have a Husky? ive been told there very temperamental in general around little kids and other animals? this true or just so much depend on the puppy its self?
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Both of the ones that My sister have are the dumbest animals I've ever met. They were damn near impossible to crate train. It was just like they didnt get it. Neither are good on a leash. She eventually took them to a training class and they are managable now, but still not great. They also shed like a mofo. Sweet looking dogs though. I just feel there are better choices for a dog.
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i agree with 1badeagle. i had a pure bred siberian husky, dumbest dog i ever had. i couldnt get him house broken and he always ran away. when i was a kid, my dad had a german shepard/husky mix. that was one of the greatest dogs i have ever been around.
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You guys must have gotten unlucky. Mine is one of the smartest dogs i have ever had. Yes they do have a tendancy to want to run away if not kept on a leash, but thats just a part of the breed as they extremely curious dogs. Walking them can be a bitch until you get them trained because they do like to pull. But aside from that mine is one of the most loyal dogs i have ever had. It only took me 2 days to crate train him and ive even watched him dig in his toy box for a certain toy, then actually put the rest back in the box lol.
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ive been looking into getting a husky puppy here in about 2 months after we move into a house with a yard. i dont think it would be fair to a dog to have him/her in an apartment. does anyone here have a Husky? ive been told there very temperamental in general around little kids and other animals? this true or just so much depend on the puppy its self?


I have a Sibe Husky named Lexi, She is very good around little kids and gets along great with my fiancee's cat and her pommeranian. But Lexi does alot of things that many people thinks that can't be done. I am pretty much with gary, but I don't think these people had bad luck with Huskies, they are just owners that doesn't understand huskies or how to train them. Lexi can be walk off of a leash. I take her out with me all the time when I am working on the yard or my car in the garage. She ususally stays pretty close to me and would never think about running away. If there is a small animal like a squirrel or a rabbit that is in the yard, she will go after them. But after a couple of yells she would come back to me wit her tail tucked between her legs lol. It's their instinct to go after little animals, especailly if they are running away. I think that is the only thing I am sitll working on. It just takes alot of patience to train them. Husky's can be stubborn at times and they do need to be trained at a very young age. It took mine about a couple days to be house trained and crate trained and I got my Lexi at 8 weeks old. And Huskys will shed all year long, but she will shed her inner coat like 2x a year so invested in a Dyson and a few furminators if you plan on getting a husky.


Lexi just chillin while I'm planting flowers and ripping out weeds.




When I first got her about 3 years ago




Edited by 1fastSTI
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One of the most brilliant dogs I have ever met was a Sibe Huskey Wolf Mix.


I actually witnessed this dog walk up to a mouse trap look at it put her paw on the spring side of the trap take the penut butter and then quickly remove her paw.


She is that smart.

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ive been looking into getting a husky puppy here in about 2 months after we move into a house with a yard. i dont think it would be fair to a dog to have him/her in an apartment. does anyone here have a Husky? ive been told there very temperamental in general around little kids and other animals? this true or just so much depend on the puppy its self?


Everyone here is assuming you're asking about a Siberian Husky. Is that the case? Because there are many types of huskies.


Some of the most common:


Siberian Husky - (by far the most family friendly due to the way the breed was developed. The people treated their dogs like family. This can sometimes make for a poor guard dog. Some arent big barkers either, making them mediocre watch dogs, as well. Do a bit of research. You can learn interesting things about a breed's develeopment and gain some valuable insight. They tend to have much shorter hair than other huskies.)


Samoyed - (Excellent temperaments, beautiful white. May not always be the best guard dog but tend to bark at things that need barking at more than a siberian.)


(The rest of the 'huskies' can be a bit more aggressive and aloof, again, due to their breed creation and uses. This may make them less attractive to those with a family.)


Malamute - (bigger than a Siberian and the most commonly used breed for wolf hybrids due to size, looks, etc.)


Greensland Husky - (Really not as common as the 3 above and probably not the best family dog.)


There are a few others that border on husky/spitz but these are a few of the larger, more common one breeds. Of course, any dogs personality can vary from individual to individual but keep in mind that many husky breeds weren't developed as pets but as working dogs and thus their temperaments often reflect it. You need to be a very experienced and confident dog owner (one of the reasons some of your dogs are running away). Also, keep in mind that many of these poor dogs were created for a much colder envrionment so you need to make allowances for this.

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Those above that call Husky's dumb, are infact mistaken. Read up on them. They are VERY hard headed, not dumb. They want to do what THEY want.


Do your research before you get one, as they can be very BAD dogs, if not well cared for. They shed an insane amount, expect weekly brushings at a minimum, but more like 2/3 times per week. During coat blowing time, maybe even more. Get a high quality vacuum, and enjoy doing it, as they shed an insane amount. Furminator works great (brush).


My Husky has a stick up its ass about small dogs, and as mentioned, they are a predatory dog, so it has to be expected. Recently she has gotten into 2 issues at the dog park because dumb owners of 3lb dogs let them into the big dog area. Nothing bad, just nipping at the neck of a 3lb dog looks pretty bad, and can do a lot more damage than to a full grown dog. This is something that you NEED to take seriously as it can put other pets/animals and your own, in danger.


They are very hard to train to go to the bathroom outside. Ours pees in her cage almost every night, no matter what we do. She used to poop inside if we didn't take her out, now she barks for both pee and poop when she is out with us, but in her cage, she still pees. Keep in mind, she just started barking to use the bathroom at around 2.5 years old.


They need a TON of exercise. Get a harness, a leash and a bike and let it pull you around the city, they love that. I weigh 350, on a bike that rubs the brake every turn of the wheel, and my 32lb husky can pull me all day.


Also, the above dog is not normal, Husky's are known to bolt, as in run away at the first change they get. Even fences sometimes aren't enough, as they are mega athletic and can just jump them. Huskys are one of the top breeds at the pound because they run away.


They also are mischevious if not exercised. They will get into things and potentially damage stuff.


It should be noted some Huskys are bad with kids too.


I know they sound bad, but it needs to be said, as you never know if you are going to get a model citizen, or a hellion.


With that said, we love ours, and if it weren't for the fur, would soley have them.

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The Siberian Husky I had was one of the most loveable dog I ever seen, she was smart too. Also she was very destructive when she was left alone. I told you before she ate the drivers side mirror off my brothers car when he left her in the garage one day. If we would leave her outside for more than a few minutes she would climb the fence and run around the neighborhood.. We ended up taking her to a friends farm to live out the rest of her days. She would've been a great dog to say pull a dog sled in Alaska. I would love to have another Husky someday, but not until we buy a house with 5-10 acres of land.
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Both of the ones that My sister have are the dumbest animals I've ever met. They were damn near impossible to crate train. It was just like they didnt get it. Neither are good on a leash. She eventually took them to a training class and they are managable now, but still not great. They also shed like a mofo. Sweet looking dogs though. I just feel there are better choices for a dog.


i agree with 1badeagle. i had a pure bred siberian husky, dumbest dog i ever had. i couldnt get him house broken and he always ran away. when i was a kid, my dad had a german shepard/husky mix. that was one of the greatest dogs i have ever been around.


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My experience is much like Frank's. My girl (Layla) is just over a year old. Training tends to be an ongoing thing with Huskies, but you'll probably tend to have a bit better luck with a female. I have a feeling mine might have been the runt of her litter, or near it. She tends not to have many of the stereotypical "Husky" traits. If she gets off her leash, she tends to come right back to me. In certain places I can leave her off leash and she knows her boundaries. She does sometimes go after smaller animals, especially birds and loves terrorizing my girlfriends cat. She's not aggressive towards other dogs at all, unless they're especially small (in which case it's more of a playful bugging than aggression) or they're bugging her for one reason or another (a Great Dane kept trying to hump her at the park and didn't get the message that she wasn't interested, so she taught him a firm but fairly polite lesson). She will get into stuff if left alone, IF she can get into it. But, of you leave her enough toys and bones to play with, she's pretty good. And she's good about being in a crate. Huskies are in fact more similar to wolves than most dogs, because of this they like a "den" environment. So if you crate train them from a young age, and don't ever make it a punishment, you may actually find that they prefer to sleep in their crate. My girl is also very smart. For example, she takes ME to the bathroom sometimes. She knows that my morning routine is to go fairly soon after waking up. So if I don't sometimes she'll bug me like she wants to go out (which is something she ALWAYS does now that she's trained, same goes for food and water) then she'll walk me to the bathroom and wait there for me to go.


They can be great and loving dogs, you've just got to pick a good one, and train it right. Understand why it's doing the things it does, and be sure to be the "alpha" as Huskies are especially pack oriented (look into training that emphasizes this). I love my pup and wouldn't trade her for the world.

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Both of the ones that My sister have are the dumbest animals I've ever met. They were damn near impossible to crate train. It was just like they didnt get it. Neither are good on a leash. She eventually took them to a training class and they are managable now, but still not great. They also shed like a mofo. Sweet looking dogs though. I just feel there are better choices for a dog.




One of my girlfriends roommates just got one, after being told it was a bad idea.


Day 1 went fine.


Day 2 (yesterday) it takes a shit, rolls in it until there is no shit left to roll in, and then goes fucking wild in the house.

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Yeap, My Husky can be destructive if left along and not excercised. I learned that the hard way.. lol Huskys are very active dogs, they need to be walked ran played with every day or you will start seeing destructive behavior just because they are bored. Pack oriented training is a must with huskys like Ryan said. And yes they make horrible guard dogs. They are most most friendliest dogs you will ever own, they are very family/pack oriented. Leash training has to be done with anyone that walks the husky. Just because my husky is leash trained with me, doesn't mean she will behave the same with someone else. Also for crate/cage training, it is easier if you put a heavy duty tarp over the cage to make it dark when she is in the cage because more close to a den environment. I say heavy duty tarp because if you use anything else, they will pull it into their cage and destroy it. After they get use the the cage/crate you wouldn't need it anymore. Sibe Huskys are great pets if trained and treated right. I wouldn't trade my Sibe for anything in the world.
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I don't necessarily think that a Husky is a great dog for an inexperienced owner. They do require consistent training and significant amounts of exercise, otherwise they can get very destructive. Christian already mentioned that they were bred for col environments, and that's another thing people seem to forget about.


Is there any particular reason you are set on a Husky puppy? If it's for the looks, don't do it. There are tons of dogs sitting in shelters who, often equally pretty, really need a home like you seem to be able to provide in the future. You can almost always find the breed you're looking for, if you're being picky, from a shelter.

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I don't necessarily think that a Husky is a great dog for an inexperienced owner. They do require consistent training and significant amounts of exercise, otherwise they can get very destructive. Christian already mentioned that they were bred for col environments, and that's another thing people seem to forget about.


Is there any particular reason you are set on a Husky puppy? If it's for the looks, don't do it. There are tons of dogs sitting in shelters who, often equally pretty, really need a home like you seem to be able to provide in the future. You can almost always find the breed you're looking for, if you're being picky, from a shelter.


+1. I agree with this statement. We usually dont see eye to eye on dog stuff...but you are right on here.

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just to clarify, the husky I had came from petland. I thought that's why he was so hard to house break, after reading this thread, that may not have been the case. I've had other dogs that I've had no problem house braking, we just couldn't get this one though. we used to put him in a cage at night and he would be out of it in the morning. we could walk him on a leash, he didn't have the best leash manners, but he was manageable. I think the thing that got me is that one day my dog decided to pee on my wifes friends leg. we ended up getting rid of him though because we lived in an apartment at the time, we didn't have the room for him to run. if not for that, we would have kept him.
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just to clarify, the husky I had came from petland. I thought that's why he was so hard to house break, after reading this thread, that may not have been the case. I've had other dogs that I've had no problem house braking, we just couldn't get this one though. we used to put him in a cage at night and he would be out of it in the morning. we could walk him on a leash, he didn't have the best leash manners, but he was manageable. I think the thing that got me is that one day my dog decided to pee on my wifes friends leg. we ended up getting rid of him though because we lived in an apartment at the time, we didn't have the room for him to run. if not for that, we would have kept him.


Congratulations, you supported puppy mills. Further, you made an immature and imprudent decision.


Getting a dog is always a big decision that way too many people take lightly.

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One of my girlfriends roommates just got one, after being told it was a bad idea.


Day 1 went fine.


Day 2 (yesterday) it takes a shit, rolls in it until there is no shit left to roll in, and then goes fucking wild in the house.


You girlfriends roommates is probably should not own dog that is smarter than he/she is.

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Congratulations, you supported puppy mills. Further, you made an immature and imprudent decision.


Getting a dog is always a big decision that way too many people take lightly.


i agree, i was young and didnt know what i was doing. a mistake i didnt make twice though.

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I don't necessarily think that a Husky is a great dog for an inexperienced owner. They do require consistent training and significant amounts of exercise, otherwise they can get very destructive. Christian already mentioned that they were bred for col environments, and that's another thing people seem to forget about.


Is there any particular reason you are set on a Husky puppy? If it's for the looks, don't do it. There are tons of dogs sitting in shelters who, often equally pretty, really need a home like you seem to be able to provide in the future. You can almost always find the breed you're looking for, if you're being picky, from a shelter.


biggest reason i am wanting a Siberian husky is because when i was 16 -18 i did all the grounds maintenance at my dad's boss's house and his rental properties. He had 2 Siberian huskies that were amazing to be around. would sit and watch as i mowed the yard. when pulling weds ect they would help by digging them up lol. all around would both just stay by my side. unless there was a tennis ball around. then they would go ape shit over it. also would ride with me to gas station to get gas for the mower's ect. i spent more time with them 2 dogs in the summer then i think i did my family lol. i personally just had a great experience with them when i was a little younger and now that ive moved out of my parents house last year and im able to get a house id like to all around have a companion like that again. which i know will be alot of work but i think well worth it in the end. and for training ive been told by a few professional training is recommended at a young age for them? or is it best for the owner of the pup to do the training?


side note: do any of your huskys like water? swimming ect?

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