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*Update* On my R6...


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thanks alot guys for all the input and offers to help me out, so far i talked to rueben at 35motorsports and he does have an 06 engine with 900 miles on it wants 1500 for it and 350 to swap my motor and instal that one not bad price. but its gonna be really hard to come up with that kinda loot..but he was the first to call he sounds like a great guy and knows his stuff..and by you all recomending him thats a bonus..if i cant find something local and cheaper then i guess rueben will be my go to guy. just wish he wasnt 2.5 hours away..

just don't let him work on your suspension....I know someone with a horrible experience..

I won't go into details but put it this way, it was a major waste of money and time....and now he is out of a brand new shock....

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I think you may be jumping the gun a little prematurely with giving up or getting a new motor.

yeah thats why im meeting up with gixxie later and he wants to see my bike and check it out and see what wrong with it himself, hes more than welcome to ride it and do what he has to do seems as long as you dont high rom it the oil stays in the motor,

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Look, get a diagnosis of what is wrong before you write her off. Know EXACTLY what the problem is and what it will cost to fix it before swapping the engine out.

werd. It could be something as simple as the shop did a valve adjustment and didnt get the valve cover back on right. That's why I told you to clean the motor with engine degreaser(get ALL the oil off of it) and then start the motor and use the spray foot powder to find the oil leak.

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just don't let him work on your suspension....I know someone with a horrible experience..

I won't go into details but put it this way, it was a major waste of money and time....and now he is out of a brand new shock....

Who's this guy you speak of? Sounds shady...

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hell if it were me i would take it to a shop like say miami cycle works in cincinnati or cycle specialties and have them look at it for like 50 bucks to make sure its not something simple and if it does end up being a junk motor buy that one for 900 and well get it put in for you! i have plenty of tools and jacks and junk and putting a motor in a bike is a pretty simple task just my 2 cents. also if you need a quick loan and have no credit go to citi finiancial they will give anyone a loan they helped me build my credit up real fast just make sure you pay it off before the percentage rates kill you.

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just don't let him work on your suspension....I know someone with a horrible experience..

I won't go into details but put it this way, it was a major waste of money and time....and now he is out of a brand new shock....

Sir, I hope that you aren't referring to a certain customer of mine that owns a particular bike that we'll call a sport/touring Yamaha. If that is the case, you are dead wrong about several things and I would check my facts before you start offering you opinions.

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well after meeting up with gixxie and dave, we went back to gixxies house and started the tear down process. what we know so far is the bike i not losing power, seems to have good compression, now we think it might be valve seals. there was alot of oil in atleast 2 out of 4 of them. and we also found out someone has been in that motor before. so the bike is on its way to being torn down more soon as gixxie gets ahold of some r6 guys. i said hell with it and just left it there. i want to thank gixxie for helping someone he barely knows and bob for runnin me home lol. so its in the works guys thanks again for all the tips, its just a puzzle atm that just will take a lil time to solve.:grin:

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so its in the works guys thanks again for all the tips, its just a puzzle atm that just will take a lil time to solve.:grin:

I know it's hard...just be patient. Sounds like you are on the right track. Props to those helping you out. That's what this forum should be about..gay sex. Oops I meant brotherhood.

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It was great to meet you today Dave. I deff think the oil is getting in the cyl via valve seals. The bike looks dam near new and it seems to have a leaking clutch cover also and from the looks of it ,it has been removed b4 for some reason. The motor runs strong and deff seems like the problem is in the head. The valves were super dirty for a bike with so low miles. I have the bike in my garage so if anyone has suggestions on where or what to look at let me know.

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Combustion pressure leaking from cylinders at high rpm, into the crankcase or oil galleries/head. Pressure accumulates like a pump, and pushes oil into the combustion chambers at high rpms. I wonder if it were to ride around with the oil fill cap off or loosened up, it might not smoke. It might whistle like a tea kettle though.

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If that much pressure built up, it would leak past everything. Rings, seals, gaskets. And that would account for the very large sudden usage of oil. It's very weird having so much oil go away so fast. I think it would take high pressure in the wrong places to get it going away so quickly.

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wow gixxie and recon your guys sound like scientists crankin away at a bike motor. yeah gixxie thanks a ton man for all the help it was great to have met you and dave and your girl and man trust with all the help your doin for me with this bike i def owe ya when u have time and we both arent working we can play scientists all we want lol dont want you to have to stop from your projects for me lol

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this about describes some of the best things about being part of a local forum like this.

BIG props to gixxie and the other guys helping him out. this is way beyond just offering helpful tips or suggesting arson against the dealership as a solution... this is really getting your hands dirty and helping a guy out.

i hope you guys can get this figured out, and again, you guys are great for helping him out.

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