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NCAAF now going to a four team playoff for Championship


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Committee thing worries me. Not sure why they don't just use the BCS rankings as they are and take top 4 from that... why have a selection committee for 4 teams? I hope they don't push this past 8 teams in the future though. Everyone is already talking about the jump from 4 to 8 to 16.


Interested to see what cities will be bidding for the national title games/what kind of restrictions there are. With all the big bowls already being in the south and LA how horrified would people from Alabama or Texas be if they had to come up and play a national title game outdoors in the winter somewhere like NYC or Chicago.

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Interested to see what cities will be bidding for the national title games/what kind of restrictions there are. With all the big bowls already being in the south and LA how horrified would people from Alabama or Texas be if they had to come up and play a national title game outdoors in the winter somewhere like NYC or Chicago.


Yeah, I am as well. I Would love to see Ohio State Vs Alabama or USC in MetLife Stadium in the NC game in 2014.

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Committee thing worries me. Not sure why they don't just use the BCS rankings as they are and take top 4 from that... why have a selection committee for 4 teams?


Because even the people that were in charge of the BCS know that it's BS. Secret computer formulas, and biased coaches (many whom admit they don't have time to actually watch the games, and tend to vote down the conference line) as the means to determine rank? No thanks. Get rid of preseason polls while we're at it.

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a move in the right direction. i would like to see it moved up to 6 teams.

The 1 and 2 ranked teams get a 1st round bye, since they are the favorites and should be there anyway. while 3-6 play for the right to be there. in any given year, i think there are more than 4 that could be champions, but not the top 8.

the 1st time i see a 2 loss SEC team make it though........i'm done. NO 2 loss team deserves to be in it, PERIOD!

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A 2-loss SEC team beat OSU for the national title in 2007. Weird/down years like that happen. Can't make a blanket statement like that.


Watching Sportscenter before going into work this morning and I liked what some of their analysts were saying. Make this committee and its selection process as transparent as possible. One guy even said they should televise the meeting(s) to determine the 4. Why not? That would be fantastic.

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I think the top 8 would be good but no further. Honestly, you can pretty much see the drop-off of teams 8th and beyond. None of them have any business being in the National Championship.


Yeah, I think four teams is a start, but eight would be much better. Still, this is better than the BCS, but they should have used the BCS rankings to get those top four... :nod:

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Gotta make it 8, how the hell would you be able to tell a 11-1 USC team sitting 5th in the rankings that they aren't good enough to be in the playoffs? I don't see how this is any better then the BCS to be quite honest, you still have a commitee selecting who gets a shot rather then letting teams actually play. You will have commitee members being bribed lol. Also I really think its a joke that the NCG will be played in the city with higest bid, so the NCAA is all about money and trying to gain more, yet they will suspend a kid for selling his own stuff....I am starting to really dislike CFB sadly.


8 teams would be a lot better or even do like the NFL and have wild card games. This system pretty much assures schools like TCU and Boise that they will never get a chance to be in a NCG. The 4 team format also tells me that CFB is looking to move into 4 super conferences which will be a huge mistake. Idk it'll be interesting to see how this works out and to see all the people going ape shit when their 1 loss school is left out


BTW someone link me to our damn football thread we have on here, my searching skills are failing me lol

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Once they go to 8 people will complain if they're 9th with the same record as 2-3 of the teams who got in. You'll never be able to satisfy everyone. My thought ever since 2006 when there was the huge debate between UM and UF about who got to play OSU was just... if you lost at all you have no one to blame but yourself. Quit bitching and let the chips fall where they may because you had a chance to take the rankings and computers and pollsters out of it by going undefeated and you didn't. Tough shit. I mean, there are what? 68 teams in the basketball tourney now and people at 69, 70, 71, etc. still complain as well.


I think 4 is really good. Look at the last several years, the top 4 teams in the final BCS standings...



1. LSU

2. Alabama

3. Oklahoma State

4. Stanford

5. Oregon


Oregon had 1 more loss than 2, 3 and 4 so no argument.



1. Auburn

2. Oregon

3. TCU

4. Stanford

5. Wisconsin


Wiscy and Stanford each had 1 loss but Stanford's was to #2 Oregon and Wiscy's was to #9 Michigan State. Going on pure numbers, no real argument for Wisconsin.



1. Alabama

2. Texas

3. Cincy

4. TCU

5. Florida


Top 4 were all undefeated, sorry Florida.



1. Oklahoma

2. Florida

3. Texas

4. Alabama

5. USC


Lots of 1-loss teams that year but Alabama's loss came in their conference title game to #2 Florida (which USC didn't even have one to play) and USC's loss came to 25th ranked Oregon State. No real argument.



1. Ohio State

2. LSU

3. Virginia Tech

4. Oklahoma

5. Georgia


Tons of 2-loss teams. Georgia didn't even win their division of their conference. Sorry.

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