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Anyone else have a Raspberry Pi board?


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I have been thinking really hard about buying one, I just don't know what I would use it for. The only practical application I can think of is super tiny low power carputer, I can use an Arduino for everything else.
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I have been thinking really hard about buying one, I just don't know what I would use it for. The only practical application I can think of is super tiny low power carputer, I can use an Arduino for everything else.


you zero'ed in on what I was thinking about doing haha figured I would give it a shot and see how it worked and if not I am sure I can find some other use for it

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They're incredibly underpowered. They say the equalivent of a ~300mhz pentium II, but with "much swankier graphics."


Too slow to run a full blown Linux distro.


You act like the perspective buyer requires a gui.

These are going to be used as boxes to drive projects, not provide a user experience.

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You act like the perspective buyer requires a gui.

These are going to be used as boxes to drive projects, not provide a user experience.


Unless it has an SSD, 11,000 gigahurtz ivy bridge and 64 gigs of ram its not fast enough for Jason.

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You act like the perspective buyer requires a gui.

These are going to be used as boxes to drive projects, not provide a user experience.


You didn't read the thread.



Unless it has an SSD, 11,000 gigahurtz ivy bridge and 64 gigs of ram its not fast enough for Jason.

Are any of those bad things?

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They're incredibly underpowered. They say the equalivent of a ~300mhz pentium II, but with "much swankier graphics."


Too slow to run a full blown Linux distro.


Comparing x86 processors to ARM processors...should never be done, ever. The board is a bit more powerful than the OG Droid. PLENTY of power.


And of course it will run full blown Linux. Full blown linux doesn't have to have a GUI, and I think in the vast majority of *nix installations in the world, a GUI isn't present.

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Comparing x86 processors to ARM processors...should never be done, ever. The board is a bit more powerful than the OG Droid. PLENTY of power.


And of course it will run full blown Linux. Full blown linux doesn't have to have a GUI, and I think in the vast majority of *nix installations in the world, a GUI isn't present.


Although it does run Full Blown Linux with a GUI too, and they few distros that exist for it (remember, this thing hasn't been out but a few weeks) are getting optimized every day. At the very least, it can run Android just fine, which you could argue is full blown Linux anyway.

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  • 2 months later...
I got mine today after ordering it a while back and was seeing if anyone else had one. For those that dont know what in the hell i am talking about



its a mini Linux board that is basically a super tiny PC


I just ordered two today. Looks like they should arrive in about three weeks.


Any update on your carputer?

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