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Emerald Ash Borer


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Autumn Blaze Maple was created by a nurseryman that lived 60 miles north of Columbus so yeah, it does great in Ohio. However, it produces seeds so can be messy. I would recommend Brandywine Red Maple. It's a cross between October Glory and Autumn Flames so has the nice red fall color and it's SEEDLESS.


Some other trees you might want to consider:

Silver Linden: green leaves with silver white underside gives a "shimmering" effect when the wind blows, very fragrant flower in late june/july but the nector is toxic to bees


Oaks are fine. Acorns will be an issue in a few years. Pin oak is a fast grower but it has a pyramidal shape so not very shadey. I prefer Shumardi.


I was also going to suggest Sweetgum.... the seedless cultivar but I doubt you would be interested even in that.

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