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House hold A/C


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Yeah unless you have a badass system it will rise




This is our systems FIRST summer. It struggled a little yesterday, but today its holding solid at 74* (even kicked off a few times).

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Another big thing people forget about is cold air returns. In a perfect system you should have 2 in each room, one high and one low. In the winter you use the lower ones and in the summer you use the ones near the ceiling. You can't add air to a room if the air is not removed somehow.

On my house I don't have enough cold air returns period especially upstairs. It is always 83 in our bedroom and a nice 75 down stairs. The furnace makes a thump sound when it turns off as the cold air return bounces back to size because it is not large enough. One place wanted close to $800 to fix that. DAMN!

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This is our systems FIRST summer. It struggled a little yesterday, but today its holding solid at 74* (even kicked off a few times).


Ours did the same 74* all day after a nice new filter and vacuuming out of everything the other day when I posted. Just now it bumped to 75* but I think it's because we have the a lot of electronics including my Photography PC cranking out heat.

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Finished basement with 3 vents, all 3 closed.


Upstairs has 5 vents all only cracked open.


2nd floor has all fully opened. That dropped our upstairs temps 5 degrees. Basement is still 62 ish. First floor is always 69-72. 2nd floor is 73-75.


Leaving fan ON instead of auto also helped circulate air upstairs.


I do something similar in my house. Close the lower vents, crack the ones in the back of the house and fully open them upstairs living area. Balances out the temps throughout the house and keeps the AC from running as much.

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I just installed 2 of these:




A 6" on the supply and a 8" on the return to my master (furthest from the furnace). Tripled the air flow to that room. I wired it into the blower on the furnace so it runs when the furnace does. Totally worth the $60 it cost and 4 hours install (I had to custom some of it due my 7" duct work).

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Duct boosters do help where airflow is low, however, that air is robbed from somewhere else.


I hope it it taken from the first floor! There are 4 registers within 10 feet of the furnace, foyer, study, dining room, and stay cool. But who uses those rooms? The master is 45' away and 10' up and needed more air.

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Usually the lever is in the direction of the baffle. Thus if it's pointed down the middle of the pipe, it's open, if it's perpeducular, it's closed.


The option we use in our master bedroom that's above the garage, has a vaulted ceiling and is huge is this:





Here's another external mount option. http://www.espenergy.com/booster_fan.htm


it's a little louder in terms of a fan since the blade is small, but it really makes a huge difference. white noise at night and what's nice is it continued to run after the AC and HVAC fan stops thus it continues to pull cool air from the ducts for a few minutes. Turns on and off with temperature so once it runs out of cool air it shuts off - back on when the AC Starts.


It's a simple $20 solution to helping keep the flow moving.


Hey Tim,


Which exact model did you buy? We been trying to come up with a good solution for the bedroom and this may do the trick.


BTW...of all the days for my AC to go out, SAT when it was like 104! Getting it fixed today though. We have a heat pump, motor went out. blah.



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