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Droid tags.....


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Coworker was in a meeting today and waved her Galaxy Nexus over this quarter sized Droid tag....The phone beeped and she said that turned wifi on, ringer and bluetooth off.

Maybe I am behind cause I switched to iPhone, but that's pretty cool. According to her you can set the tag to do various actions on your phone. Here they are....



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I just saw this great lecture on Near Field Communication at DEFCON and the guy on stage got a shell on someone's phone and mounted the file system on his computer. From there he pulled down the entire contacts list, all images and even sent texts out to a contacts distribution list he built. The whole thing took less than 15 seconds to setup.


TAGS make settings etc... magical and like my colleages and I often say, when there is magic in technology, there are security flaws.


BTW, the "only accept tags when I agree to it" setting is easily disabled by options that get set on the tag.


Super interesting stuff.

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