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Glenn Beck threatened by the NWO?


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My mom brought this to my attention. Ill be the first to admit im a conservatist and am against Obama. Im not here tho to get in debates or make enemies. For those of you that watch/listen to glenn beck, it appears his listeners where bugging him to uncover the F.E.M.A. camps. Guess there abandoned base's that are now empty prisons. Who knows what for. Anyway so Glenn beck has them investigated and talks about them on the air then 6 hours later says he doesnt believe in them. Hmm wonder if he was threatened? I cant find the exact youtube video my mom showed me but this one is similiar...


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Things are going to get really ugly in the times ahead. This country is already in a bad place with this terrible and corrupt government that continues to strip us of our constitutional rights, and with it's methodology of ruling the populace by fear. Come on, seriously, Obama already has things so stacked in his favor that we cannot even get the Supreme Court to side with the people so that we can truly know where our current president was born. Yes, it's something simple, but we, as a people, deserve to know that information if we so desire. This is, after all, the man that speaks on behalf of all of us as a nation. I fear for this country and it's people. We have turned our backs on the general principals that the United States of America was founded on, and now we continue to turn a blind eye as our government continues to strongarm the populace and continually gain more power by striping us of our rights.

We already failed by letting the Executive branch become too powerful. The whole purpose of the three branches were for checks and balances...and I'm sorry, but that is no longer in place. I believe that we have reached a point of no return, and it will take a major event to reverse the damage that has already been done. Hold on to your hats people, because things are bound to get much worse...

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That's ironic, as I remember reading somewhere, perhaps here.....That FEMA is actually the government agency we most need to be worried about, as they can enact all kinds of emergency goverment rights/marshall law, etc

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