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Tablet Opinions


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Do you use the spyder3 to calibrate the iPad?


Yes. There's a SpyderGallery app that's free. Basically you're creating a custom profile from the iPad and applying that correction to your images as viewed throught the SpyderGallery app. which is a color-managed viewer.


That's part of what my point is to the OP in that there's more to this than just buying the cheapest tablet out there. There's more to it than having a USB plug on the side of a device or being a fan of Android vs iOS.


That said, I don't know what other equipment he/she has or what their workflow is like, but all that needs to be thought out in their business plan. I hope they have one.


Bottom line is for me, I'd rather spend $500-$750 which is easily made up and have a fully integrated system that is highly recognized, very stable, well supported and offers a huge avenue of already existing marketing plays to benefit from.

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The website has the 16GB Toshiba Thrive on Sale today for $199 which is a REALLY good deal. Its a refurb, but for that price, I would take the gamble for sure. Again, this tablet has full size ports (HDMI, SD Card) and also has a removable battery which as far as I know is the only tablet to have such. It might be a little higher than your budget, but it is an excellent tablet. I wont get into the iOS vs Android debate, but I have one of these and all three of my kids have iPad2's and all of them, at least once, have tried to get me to trade tablets. Maybe with the sale today I will take one of them up on it and sell their iPad and get the wife and I BOTH one of these... ;-)


They also just released ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) for these so it should be coming down the pike real soon (or get today if you decide to root) so you get all the features of that with the addition of using Chrome!!!







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