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who makes a good laptop?


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I used a Dell M6700 at work which is like a $4000+ laptop. i7 extreme processor and all the fixins (albeit we only can use 32 bit windows so I only have access to 3gb of my avaliable 16GB of RAM) and it locks up when trying to use AutoCADLT and Catia/Solidworks at the same time, but my $400 Asus K Series (i5 processor, 8GB ram) runs Catia, Solidworks, Pro-E, Inventor, and Solid Edge (All programs that take up a shit ton of memory) simultaneously with no problems.
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what do you use your computer for? Do you need lots of RAM, Memory, Video card, etc.


Is it mainly for surfing pron? any photo or video editing? Big storage for photos, music, etc? I think that will help narrow down your decision a little.


the most taxing thing I would use it for is DVD ripping. So I don't need anything high end. I'd like to stay under $400, but realistically what I'm seeing that interests me would be about $450. Anyone have any experience with the Sonys? I saw one that fit the bill which surprised me, I always thought they were way overpriced.

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the most taxing thing I would use it for is DVD ripping. So I don't need anything high end. I'd like to stay under $400, but realistically what I'm seeing that interests me would be about $450. Anyone have any experience with the Sonys? I saw one that fit the bill which surprised me, I always thought they were way overpriced.


Sony is good, just stay away from HPs.





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Lenovo is surprisingly low on that list, and I've not seen any MSI anywhere.


I downloaded the Windows 8 preview, installing it now on my old laptop. So far its going smoothly. I'm thinking maybe I should try to downclock it to help with the overheating during normal usage.

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Lenovo, basically a consumer grade IBM and they are built VERY well!



Lenovo is the company who has built the Thinkpad for EVER . when ibm left the laptop business they sold the rights to the name thinkpad to lenovo. It's good shit


I would get a Lenovo or HP Elitebook used , My wifes cheap laptop i bought 2 years ago the screen died and it feels to flimsy

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