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Ohio man arrested - bringing gun, knives into Westlake showing of 'Dark Knight Rises'


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Im not saying what the guy did right but there is a lot of misinformation running around about what happened. The guy had a 9mm in his bag, it was not loaded but he did have 2 fully loaded magazines in the bag as well along with three knives. He also had 1 knife on him. As far as inducing panic. The guy went in to the theater 30 min before the movie started so nobody was in the theater. An off duty police office though he was suspicious so he approached the guy and asked to search the bag. The guy complied with the officer and when the officer found the weapon in the bag, the guy said "do you want me to go put it in my car". Its hard to say what they guy had planned and he deserves what he gets for bringing the gun in to the theater if there were signs posted, prohibiting firearms.
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Im not saying what the guy did right but there is a lot of misinformation running around about what happened. The guy had a 9mm in his bag, it was not loaded but he did have 2 fully loaded magazines in the bag as well along with three knives. He also had 1 knife on him. As far as inducing panic. The guy went in to the theater 30 min before the movie started so nobody was in the theater. An off duty police office though he was suspicious so he approached the guy and asked to search the bag. The guy complied with the officer and when the officer found the weapon in the bag, the guy said "do you want me to go put it in my car". Its hard to say what they guy had planned and he deserves what he gets for bringing the gun in to the theater if there were signs posted, prohibiting firearms.


Thank you

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Im not saying what the guy did right but there is a lot of misinformation running around about what happened. The guy had a 9mm in his bag, it was not loaded but he did have 2 fully loaded magazines in the bag as well along with three knives. He also had 1 knife on him. As far as inducing panic. The guy went in to the theater 30 min before the movie started so nobody was in the theater. An off duty police office though he was suspicious so he approached the guy and asked to search the bag. The guy complied with the officer and when the officer found the weapon in the bag, the guy said "do you want me to go put it in my car". Its hard to say what they guy had planned and he deserves what he gets for bringing the gun in to the theater if there were signs posted, prohibiting firearms.


Thank you +2

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Scaring? That sounds like an emotional response to me.


let's just say if you want to skip Cars and Coffee, I won't mind....:yuno:


Personally, given the recent series of events, I would not have done the same as he did, because I do believe it was quite stupid. No denying that.


Okay....you redeemed yourself. I'm no longer scared if you attend C&C. Nursing school taught you well.


Agreed. Charge him per Ohio law (though I, along with the entire states of Alaska, Arizona, and Vermont, think it's a dumb and unconstitutional law)


We're same page in terms of 2nd ammendment and needing a CCW. Makes no difference to me for if I was a cop, I'd treat everyone like they are armed so I don't need to see if you have a CCW. IMO, it's just a money thing.....


I've looked and still cannot find the ORC that says you can't carry multiple knives on you. Please cite this for me.


It has nothing to due with multiple knives, even one will get him a charge. He will however, be charged for each knife as a single count.


I'm not saying they weren't posted. I'm not saying he didn't see them.


I didn't see the speed limit sign either.......follow me? Arguing he didn't see it will net his lawyer more money but won't change anything for him.


He did offer to leave them in his vehicle, which negates the fact that he ignored them in the first place.


Nope...at that point law was already broken. I offered to slow down after I got pulled over too.....


Intent to do something is not actually doing something. Again, we're leaning towards things he might have done instead of what he did do.


In his case it will add to the charges he's already facing. His will likely be criminal negligence. By definition he clearly failed to exercise the level of care that a reasonable person, possessed of the same knowledge, would have exercised under the same circumstance Let's just say it will be the icing on his cake.


You might be right here, though it sounds like he was cooperating, at least from the way the article reads. This is the only thing I can find on inducing panic, and even it's quite vague. Please point me to this clear definition.


I'm on my phone but if you look up ORC you'll find it.


Again, let me repeat myself. I'm not saying the guy wasn't dumb for what he did. But besides the permit charge, nothing else appears to be illegal, just suspicious. Arrest the guy for having a CCW w/o a permit. Ask him to leave. Watch him closely. But treating him (and charging him) like he was going to massacre people is a bit too far, IMO.


Well, I've done all I can to show you the many ways he's broken the law and that I'll leave it at us disagreeing about things going too far. I really don't think so. Someone that dumb and that guilty of multiple things in this setting given the timing......better safe than sorry. LEO's are here to serve and protect not ignore or cut breaks and move on. The legal system takes care of the rest if he feels otherwise. I won't wish him luck though.

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Im not saying what the guy did right but there is a lot of misinformation running around about what happened. The guy had a 9mm in his bag, it was not loaded but he did have 2 fully loaded magazines in the bag as well along with three knives. He also had 1 knife on him. As far as inducing panic. The guy went in to the theater 30 min before the movie started so nobody was in the theater. An off duty police office though he was suspicious so he approached the guy and asked to search the bag. The guy complied with the officer and when the officer found the weapon in the bag, the guy said "do you want me to go put it in my car". Its hard to say what they guy had planned and he deserves what he gets for bringing the gun in to the theater if there were signs posted, prohibiting firearms.


I don't recall seeing where any of the articles or news stories I've seen said the gun was anywhere but in his bag?


Bottom line is he still met the definitions of the crimes he's being charged with.

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I've carried in the movie theater every time I've went since I've had my ccw and I do usually carry backup mags as well. I've always had the Russian movie theater attack in the back of my mind long before the Co shooting. Let alone going to Easton to see a movie.


Last time I was there they had no gun signs on the entrance to the parking garage, and more signs at the ticket booth for the theater. Easton should be avoided entirely.

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I believe knife laws very from municipality to municipality, with the general consensus being to stay with a blade of 3 inches or less, and to never speak of it as a weapon, but a tool.


I've carried in movie theaters and will continue to at locations that allow it. Dude sounds like an idiot, but I'm not sure of his intent whether evil, or that felt he needed multiple weapons for defense.

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