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Romney / Ryan


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Written quickly to go help a friend switch from EFI to CARB so I re posted below with link to info



I wish we had a third option, but we don't. I think that you must swing one way or the other based on what you line up with the most. I think within the next two election, after this we may see a 3rd party strong of to pull off an upset.

Edited by TheMustangStampede
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Just seen a report that, since Obama took some cuts to help farmers, from the drought, but refused to cut ethanol mandates. So, he has the DoA buying $170 mil dollars in pork, chicken, catfish, and that meat will be diverted to food assistance programs. Meaning we will be paying higher prices while those mooching out, will have even more meat on their tables.


I don't see being able to voting out of the either party. You have to really chose which one you line up with the most and pull the trigger if not it's basically a wasted vote in a sense that no other party is poised to strike a dagger in two the 2 shit parties hearts.


Someone passed a cool let app that lets you reply to questions then show you who you line up with. I was not in need of this app, but it was nice to confirm who I lined up.


That might have been the hardest thing Ive ever read on CR.


WHAT??? :confused:

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That might have been the hardest thing Ive ever read on CR.


WHAT??? :confused:



Let me clean that up some for you I was in a hurrry, lol


He basically acknowledge the drought was going to cause the farmers some pain. So, he decide to make a few changes. He refused to change the mandates that a certain amount of corn be purchased for ethanol. He is allowing the Dept of Agri to buy $170 mil worth of meat from farmers to go towards food assistance programs.




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Let me clean that up some for you I was in a hurrry, lol


He basically acknowledge the drought was going to cause the farmers some pain. So, he decide to make a few changes. He refused to change the mandates that a certain amount of corn be purchased for ethanol. He is allowing the Dept of Agri to buy $170 mil worth of meat from farmers to go towards food assistance programs.





spot on. Getting people living off the system in order to buy their votes.

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So for those of you actually "researching" and not just flipping on RushFoxBeck, the budget that garnered him attention for being a budget guru is a mess:


We spend 12% of GDP on discretionary spending now, his proposal shrinks that to 3%. Coolidge was the last president to see that kind of discretionary spending level. Defense spending alone was 4.7% in 2009.


He is going to do this without causing an austerity panic like Europe by cutting unspecified loopholes in the tax code... all while somehow garnering 8% annual growth and maintaining 2% unemployment.


His budget is an absolute fantasy that will eliminate a significant portion of revenue inputs while promising that the rest will fall into place "sometime in the next 30 years". Bush was the last president to do that with "temporary" tax cuts over a decade ago, how did that work out?


Meanwhile, he supports so called "personhood" amendments that would define a clump of cells in your wife's uterus as a person with full rights and benefits. IVF could not be squared by the personhood definition and those subjected to rape, retarded/deformed or non-viable fetuses would be forced to carry them to term.


Government so small it can fit in a uterus.



I get not being able to square your values to those of the democratic party, but contorting yourselves to vote against your own self interests as a result of some dodgy ideology is just sad.

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I have to agree with LZ in the above article. IMO for Mitt to truly succeed, he needs to stop reminding people how Obama failed us and discuss how he bridged gaps and got stuff done for his constituents, and will do it better than Obama in the next 4 years. I'm hoping that's part of their campaign as the fall rolls around...he needs to sell that to the voting public hard...


OF COURSE Obama is going to tell people that the GOP got us into this mess, and would put us back in it...

OF COURSE Mitt is going to say that Obama has failed the nation, the economy, and the world...


We all know that - regardless of who you prefer in the election - the last 4 years largely sucked, Obama was at the helm working out this mess. I think people are sick of reliving past failures, but need to hear new strategies for dealing with ever-mounting problems.


Obama did a great job selling people on him being the "Change Agent" the US and the world needed back in '08. For Romney, Massachusetts liked him...it's time to put a spin on that likability for the rest of the country to see!

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