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Child Support ?

Johny Utah

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They don't care aviut our bulls inly take in to effect your income


They don't care aviut our bulls inly take in to effect your income


They don't care aviut our bulls inly take in to effect your income


They don't care aviut our bulls inly take in to effect your income


They don't care aviut our bulls inly take in to effect your income






I will say I tried to read it several times.

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It is his fucking responsbility to play the direct role as a father figure. Just because the new husband can take the responsibility, it doesn't mean the real dad is off the hook. If the guy can't man up and take the responsbility of being a dad, the least he can do is pay for half of everything.


We have a winner. :thumbup:

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Yes, but now the new husband should play a direct role as a father figure as well. The mother no longer needs the sperm donor to pay 1/2 of everything, child support should now be enough.Far to many people take advantage of it and use that as a source of income.


WTF HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not the other guys responsibility to raise your child. I agree that far to many people take advantage of child support but it is ONLY the birth mother and fathers responsibility to raise and provide for that child.

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What ever you do keep all records of you paying if it doesnt go to court right away. DO NOT pay in cash , get a money order or pay by check. Cover your ass because eventually it will get ugly and the system is set up to only help the custodial parent.


If I had it to over again I would spend my last dime on a lawyer to get 50/50 custody. Fuck the bullshit!

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Damn sorry I sent the reply from my phone. I just spoke with a lawyer last night about my case and the court will have you submit your needed paperwork then determine said amount of child support. Then the only way to get it changed is to go back through the process again but that way they make the judgement call in the amount and you know it will hold up.
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If you use the gov. formula, figure it like this....


your income = a

her income = b



you have pay half of "c"


here is my story from experience.


I have 2 kids from my marriage, we were together 7 years. I made about 55k per year she never worked. when first put on support the based my income vs. hers,(she had none they used minimum wage for 35hrs per week). I had to pay about $245 per week in support only, maintain ins coverage for both, and pay for 75%of everything else. 7mths later found out i was overcharged, because they never noted that i had ins coverage and it was lowered to about $175 per week. Been about 3yrs now I pay a little less. I was married, not sure if you are but that does make it easier. If you 2 are just dating, makes everything alot different. You'll have to basically agree, or goto court to get rights for visitation, and things.


my best advice, get a lawyer, fight for joint custody 50/50!!! then it will even the responsibility of raising the child.

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my best advice, get a lawyer, fight for joint custody 50/50!!! then it will even the responsibility of raising the child.


Not entirely true. I have a 50/50 shared parenting arrangement and they still tried to still get me for 777 a month, I had to carry insurance and pay half of whatever the insurance didnt cover as well. That is so lopsided that its not even funny. Thats more like a 75/25 split. The only way that I got of of that is because she signed off on it, but that is what Child support wanted to get me for.

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Not entirely true. I have a 50/50 shared parenting arrangement and they still tried to still get me for 777 a month, I had to carry insurance and pay half of whatever the insurance didnt cover as well. That is so lopsided that its not even funny. Thats more like a 75/25 split. The only way that I got of of that is because she signed off on it, but that is what Child support wanted to get me for.


Same here. We didn't have a lawyer for our divorce or child support. We wrote up our own stuff and just submitted it to the court. They basically told her she could be getting $800 a month in child support if she wanted it. She knew better though b/c I take care of him 90% of the time, so she should technically be paying me child support.

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