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Ambassador Killed


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Get bullied and do nothing you'll continue to get bullied, you think this is any different then elementary school? Those stupid fucks aren't any smarter then that. I never said to start an all out war, but it has to be shown that that shit will not be tolerated.


You do understand that just as the US media feeds us Americans its propaganda bullshit. Other nations around the globe do just the same. I'm sure these places see what we do and think the same things that we think of them.


This was in their country and on their soil. Not our home land, the USA has a hard time understanding just because we are somewhere doesn't mean that its ours.

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You do understand that just as the US media feeds us Americans its propaganda bullshit. Other nations around the globe do just the same. I'm sure these places see what we do and think the same things that we think of them.


This was in their country and on their soil. Not our home land, the USA has a hard time understanding just because we are somewhere doesn't mean that its ours.




they believe strongly in their religion. . We were in their country and it wasnt an act of terror or an act supported by their govt. it was an act of indaviduals who overtook an area. it is unfortunate to those we lost, but that does not justify us going over there kicking shit around just to " show our muscle"

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Supply and demand, the more that is drilled for and available will drive costs down. No pipeline means less comes out of Canada.


You missed the "drop in the bucket" part.


Some speculators have suggested that the Keystone XL would actually increase pump prices in the midwest.


Most agree the impact would be a few cents decrease at most.


Again.... global commodity.

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they believe strongly in their religion. . We were in their country and it wasnt an act of terror or an act supported by their govt. it was an act of indaviduals who overtook an area. it is unfortunate to those we lost, but that does not justify us going over there kicking shit around just to " show our muscle"


Who is "they"?


There is more going on in this case than just "terror". We had drones in Libya which allowed the rebels to seize control and topple Gaddafi. There are still Gaddafi sympathizers who likely saw this as an opportunity to attack.


I just looked it up and the State Department agrees with me:


"U.S. sources told CNN on Wednesday that the Benghazi attack was planned in advance, and the attackers used the protest outside the consulate as a diversion. The sources could not say whether the attackers instigated the protest or merely took advantage of it, and they say they don't believe [Ambassador Chris] Stevens was specifically targeted."

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Who is "they"?


There is more going on in this case than just "terror". We had drones in Libya which allowed the rebels to seize control and topple Gaddafi. There are still Gaddafi sympathizers who likely saw this as an opportunity to attack.


I just looked it up and the State Department agrees with me:


"they" islamic/ muslims are very invested in their religion. To the point where they believe if they sacrafice themselves for their beliefs that they will be rewarded. who is to say they are wrong? not too many people now-a-day are willing to risk their life stricly on the belief of their religion. Especially not in this country. im not saying what they did was right, but by no means does this act call for a large military action from us. it would solve nothing and only cause more problems. The goal is to get out of that area intwo years, not to extend the stay. sometimes you take steps back to move forward.

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Retaliation for such acts require a surgeon like precision a select few can bring to the table. The fact that American sovereign soil was encroached upon unanswered, blows my mind.


Dude, it's less than 24 hours later. As soon as it is known who did it, you can bet a drone will be there. Who are you suggesting gets the sword right this second? Are you watching Hannity right now and regurgitating his absolutely idiotic narrative?

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Dude, it's less than 24 hours later. As soon as it is known who did it, you can bet a drone will be there. Who are you suggesting gets the sword right this second? Are you watching Hannity right now and regurgitating his absolutely idiotic narrative?


Unanswered means, why was there not amble security at any of these sites. I'd rather a strike we make be similar in fashion to one our Special Forces carried out in Syria circa 2008 (if that were to even happen). A downright shame that a delegate from the United States was killed over a movie. Especially given his support of Libya.

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Unanswered means, why was there not amble security at any of these sites. I'd rather a strike we make be similar in fashion to one our Special Forces carried out in Syria circa 2008 (if that were to even happen). A downright shame that a delegate from the United States was killed over a movie. Especially given his support of Libya.


Again... it is looking like the perpetrators were Gaddafi loyalists who used the protest as a distraction. His (and the US) support for the rebellion is likely the reason for the attack. I think the answer will more likely be a drone strike and that it will be quite soon. I wouldn't be surprised to later learn that spy drones observed the attacks as they happened and followed the perps back to their huts.

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Again... it is looking like the perpetrators were Gaddafi loyalists who used the protest as a distraction. His (and the US) support for the rebellion is likely the reason for the attack. I think the answer will more likely be a drone strike and that it will be quite soon. I wouldn't be surprised to later learn that spy drones observed the attacks as they happened and followed the perps back to their huts.


I agree. The lack of security bothers me, especially in that neck of the woods. Armor group has taken quite a few embassy contracts world wide to fulfill that mission. Shocked there weren't a few armed Americans to cover Ambassador Stevens.

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