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Dviant Image business model is bunk


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Ohhh, I know what it means... that still doesn't stop me from acting juvenile. ;)

I know you knew. I just wanted to call you a perve!

I bet you knew that I knew you that you knew....

but I wonder after that if I would have known that you knew that I knew that you knew that I knew.

All I know is Todd is my hero and I wish he was my boyfriend. :D

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Agree. We're all in the closet about how much we admire Todd for the man that he is and for being the type of man we all strive to be. Just thinking about being around his manliness gives us all a sense of security that all is right in the world and nothing would ever hurt us. Not criminals, not muslims, not Obama, not socialists... and not MBA photographer business models - especially not those.

I just want to melt.

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Agree. We're all in the closet about how much we admire Todd for the man that he is and for being the type of man we all strive to be. Just thinking about being around his manliness gives us all a sense of security that all is right in the world and nothing would ever hurt us. Not criminals, not muslims, not Obama, not socialists... and not MBA photographer business models - especially not those.

I just want to melt.

I agree. I have never had feelings for a man before. Todd has truly turned me gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that. If you agree to play nice I'll share him with you. Kind of like an old school Mormon family with the polygamy and all just with men only. Maybe we can have a big gay polygamous family and make Todd the patriarch. It'll be like a Todd fan club but with sexual undertones or even blatantly sexual overtones. I hope Todd will let me love him even if I only get Tuesday nights.

Holy shit this is getting funny.

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You know Nick get's to be his number one. It's long been obvious Todd has a thing for him.

Well.... I am willing to share. That is how much I love him. I just want a piece of that big sexy pie. I'm just a hot mess with out him.

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What other photographers do is their business, not his. He has the right to charge what he wants, when he wants to. You have the right to purchase his product or not.

I mean, I'd LOVE to go buy a brand spanking new Ferrari for the same price as a Chevy Cobalt, but I'm not going to spend six days emailing Italy about how their "business model" sucks, or how its soooooo unfair that they charge so much more than Chevy for a car.

You do sound like a whining fucking sally. You knew his deal, and you still passed on the photos up front. Your problem, not his.

Seriously, if I were him I probably would have told you to fuck off in the second email.

So in all seriousness, just cause. I looked back and I realized the sophomoric name calling between Todd and I and everyone else seems to have started in this post when Todd called me a "Whining Fucking Sally." Not only is this guy a negative nilly, I'd say he's a hypocrite too. Not that it would stop me from loving him on Tuesdays.

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So in all seriousness, just cause. I looked back and I realized the sophomoric name calling between Todd and I and everyone else seems to have started in this post when Todd called me a "Whining Fucking Sally." Not only is this guy a negative nilly, I'd say he's a hypocrite too. Not that it would stop me from loving him on Tuesdays.

Read it again.

I didn't call you a whining sally, I said that your bitching and complaining makes you SOUND like a whining sally.

For all I know, you're a decent (albeit mis-guided) dude.

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Read it again.

I didn't call you a whining sally, I said that your bitching and complaining makes you SOUND like a whining sally.

For all I know, you're a decent (albeit mis-guided) dude.

Well now I'd say we are splitting hairs but that's ok.

I don't really want to have a polygamous man love session with you. If that's what you mean by misguided. I'm just having some fun. I hope you didn't take it too personally sorry for calling you a douche bag. I'll agree to disagree with you.

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I smell a little Bromance in the air.

You two should get tickets to "I Love You, Man" and split a super sized popcorn.

Only if we can move to Utah and hang out with some gay nudist fundamentalist Mormons and start a colony of man lovers. I guess we'll have to adopt children and work something out where we can have multiple life partners.

Oh what fun. The things I am writing are actually starting to make me uncomfortable. That is when I know I've reached my limit.

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When you do you think you'll reach that point?










_______\___.__C____)_._Come _(_(____>__|__/


______/_/\|___C_____)__Todd__ |__(___>___/__











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When you do you think you'll reach that point?










_______\___.__C____)_._Come _(_(____>__|__/


______/_/\|___C_____)__Todd__ |__(___>___/__











:lol: so wrong

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ASCII art. yay!!!!

Now that is sophomoric if I've ever seen anything that is sophomoric. I like it. I mean the humor not the umm.... the picture, I don't like the picture ok!

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