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iOS6 thoughts, and observations


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So far I like the Map app better, it knows where our new house is and Google's didn't. The map satellite pic is a more recent pic then what Goole had on the iPhone.


The Facebook integration is nice and fast.


Stupid I had to download the YouTube app as Apple deleted it as a stock app.


Updating apps is easier now you don't have to enter your password.


The do not disturb feature is going to be my new favorite setting, as it was annoying to have your screen to come on and make noise all night long anytime a notification would be sent to the phone.


Very cool I can ask Siri scores of games and get an answer along with a graphic.


Anything you all have noticed?

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inb4droidfolks puke in this thread.


I've had it for about a week and like it. Typical Apple stable and smooth. Not that I love the camera, but their pano feature does a very good job, especially at correcting distortion.


Individual Signatures are nice. VIP Email is nice. Agree that DND will be a nice add. Ch 4 news notifications wake me up and piss me off.


Decent evolution of their OS.

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I'm curious to see what the passbook has to offer....I only have an iPod touch but still like seeing the differences between android and iOS.


DND is nice its one thing I totally miss about being "built in" on the BB platform.


I haven't played with it much but those are my initial observations.


I only have an iPod so I didn't get the pana feature unless I'm missing something.

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What is VIP e-mail?


Just separately displays specific contacts under that email box. I have a small handful of VP's at work that will email me with time sensitive stuff so I can now separate them vs wading through the other 100+ freaking emails I get. It's especially nice as I don't use Push mail and when I check it, I often have a number of messages come down and theirs can get lost in the mix.

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What is VIP e-mail?


I forgot about the Panoramic Pic, I'll have to test that out tomorrow.




Not to make this apple vs google but priority inbox has been available in gmail for a year or more....so IMO apple is behind the curve here...



I'm not much on the apple vs google debate but I don't know of much that one over the other doesn't offer personally.

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Says I don't have 2.5gb of free storage to download update. Ghey.


Take all them pics off your phone fool. ;)


Not to make this apple vs google but priority inbox has been available in gmail for a year or more....so IMO apple is behind the curve here...


Early bird gets the worm but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese. :gabe:


I'm not much on the apple vs google debate but I don't know of much that one over the other doesn't offer personally.
Personal preferences really. I really like the Galaxy S3 hardware but the simplicity of iOS is nice and since we use iPads for work quite a bit, the iPhone makes sense.
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Take all them pics off your phone fool. ;)




Early bird gets the worm but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese. :gabe:


Personal preferences really. I really like the Galaxy S3 hardware but the simplicity of iOS is nice and since we use iPads for work quite a bit, the iPhone makes sense.



Que early bird gets the worm but 2nd gets the mouse? I know it's late but I don't follow....I do have an S3 and an iPod touch 4th gen so I have the latest OS on both platforms (though I don't know why I can't get panorama on my iPod) and I'm not saying one is better than the other but I do kind of wonder why it has taken apple so long to catch up per se to the android OS.


You're right though it is personal preference, and I do like that I know both so that if I'm asked at work I can answer on both sides of the fence without preference to either.



IMO I look at it like this if you want it to work go apple, if you want to tinker or customize easily go andoid (yes I know you can jb an apple device but I don't think it is as easy for the average user). Though I'm sure you'll have people argue that on both sides.

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Que early bird gets the worm but 2nd gets the mouse? I know it's late but I don't follow....


The second mouse being Apple reaping success beyond most even though collectively Android Makers have had many of these features first. To that I say great....congrats for being first. Does that win them over significant iPhone users?


and I'm not saying one is better than the other but I do kind of wonder why it has taken apple so long to catch up per se to the android OS.
It's not taking them longer, IMO from what they show in the marketplace, they just choose to release the bites of steak" one bite at a time vs Android that believes tossing the whole t-bone will make them stronger. Apple proves that being first nor offering more techy stuff up than the others in one package doesn't equal success. Again, they have it backwards.


IMO I look at it like this if you want it to work go apple, if you want to tinker or customize easily go andoid (yes I know you can jb an apple device but I don't think it is as easy for the average user). Though I'm sure you'll have people argue that on both sides.
I've JB'n my iPhones. It's not difficult. I do it when they have a feature I want bad enough. This ones still proves they lack a few things but once again prove it doesn't matter.
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If you're looking at your phone the camera will see your face and keep the screen from timing out. Pretty awesome feature of the s3.


Meh....must be for all those S3 users that like to stair into the screen of their S3's and fap :gabe:


Not sure I'd want that feature. I keep my phone in a mount on my dash facing me and that would me it wouldn't likely ever shut off.

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The second mouse being Apple reaping success beyond most even though collectively Android Makers have had many of these features first. To that I say great....congrats for being first. Does that win them over significant iPhone users?


It's not taking them longer, IMO from what they show in the marketplace, they just choose to release the bites of steak" one bite at a time vs Android that believes tossing the whole t-bone will make them stronger. Apple proves that being first nor offering more techy stuff up than the others in one package doesn't equal success. Again, they have it backwards.


I've JB'n my iPhones. It's not difficult. I do it when they have a feature I want bad enough. This ones still proves they lack a few things but once again prove it doesn't matter.


Tim I'm NOT trying to make this Android vs iOS so let's not go there.,...yes I do see what you're saying in that tossing it all out there may not be the best approach but techies (realizing that is a SMALL factor of overall smartphone owners) I think can know what is best for them and go from there agreed?


Honestly if you're not a tinkerer IMO get a iPhone.....if you are get an android, realizing that I do know you can JB a iPhone but IMO no professional opinion I think most people that tinker go android over iOS....but maybe I'm wrong. I work in IT and I've never JB an apple device or rooted a android device.

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Just separately displays specific contacts under that email box. I have a small handful of VP's at work that will email me with time sensitive stuff so I can now separate them vs wading through the other 100+ freaking emails I get. It's especially nice as I don't use Push mail and when I check it, I often have a number of messages come down and theirs can get lost in the mix.


Ok gotcha.

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You can limit Advertising tracking:

"Settings > General > About > Advertising: this is new and you can limit ad tracking by toggling the off/on button"


Also looks like when you set an alarm you can use a song to wake up to not just a tone.


There are Government Emergency Alerts in the Notifications settings.

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inb4droidfolks puke in this thread.


I've had it for about a week and like it. Typical Apple stable and smooth. Not that I love the camera, but their pano feature does a very good job, especially at correcting distortion.


Individual Signatures are nice. VIP Email is nice. Agree that DND will be a nice add. Ch 4 news notifications wake me up and piss me off.


Decent evolution of their OS.


Do you use exchange? My exchange email had the VIP but also the Flagged file as well which is nice for a quick look up.


I thought that I heard that the iPad was going to get Siri?

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Tim I'm NOT trying to make this Android vs iOS so let's not go there


In post #9 you weren't following me so I made my point a bit more clear is all.


yes I do see what you're saying in that tossing it all out there may not be the best approach but techies (realizing that is a SMALL factor of overall smartphone owners) I think can know what is best for them and go from there agreed?


I think all users know what's best for them, not just techies. My point wasn't really about what users see as best for them, it's about how Android based phone makers market the features to people. They tend to show-up-and-throw-up all the coolest whiz bang items thinking that's what works. In some cases it does.


What's ironic is Apple while a very innovative company actually takes what others have done (ie. they weren't the first to the smart phone market nor music device market) yet they are credited with being more innovative than others because of how they take that technology to market. In many cases not even new markets.

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You can limit Advertising tracking:

"Settings > General > About > Advertising: this is new and you can limit ad tracking by toggling the off/on button"


Should be on by default. Glad this is present now.


There are Government Emergency Alerts in the Notifications settings.


Verizon yes, but not on AT&T :confused:

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