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I find it funny that any opposition to Obama, automatically equals hating the poor, racist, and making 6 figures a year.


Consider Obama to be similar to Tony Romo. A lot of hype and no action.


I definitely don't associate Romney voters with a six-figure income. In fact all the millionaires I know save one lean the other direction. I do find, however, that the least educated rural people I know lean right. The same, I'm sure, could be said about ignorant urban people who always vote democrat, but I don't know many of those types of people.


The reality is that we all tend to judge the other "side" by the lowest common denominator, don't we? Republicans to Democrats are bible beating hicks clinging to their guns and religion and democrats to republicans are urban welfare queens who wouldn't know self actualization if they fell into it. Here in the real world there are people on both sides who are able to articulate with perfectly legitimate indignation why they lean the way they do all while fitting none of the above stereotypes.

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all the millionaires I know save one lean the other direction.


How many millionaires do you know?


Idemocrats to republicans are urban welfare queens who wouldn't know self actualization if they fell into it.


No to me, 'those' democrats dont vote, the ones that vote to me are "liberal hippys" lol.... overusing the word 'equality'...


I will say I leaned slightly left when I was younger, but as I age I lean further right fiscally. I would say I am a fiscal conservative, and have some left leaning social views. (for example, I am pro-choice, but dont think the govt should pay for any type of abortion, all of health care belongs in the private sector).


There's the famous saying... “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." Funny how that seems to be working out for me, hahaha.

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Answer to that question:


Probably. People get their jimmies rustled for this shit.




Fear mongering is a dangerous thing. The only difference between mass riots and a civil war is an active body of leadership.

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