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i was giddy watching romney slam facts down obama's throat. I really liked how obama kept trying to throw out the " Romney wants to cut 5 trillion in taxes" even after Romney said where the hell did you get 5 trillion, then continued to spell out his plan.
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romney called obama 'bro'. anyone else catch that??


Where/when....I have it all on DVR and would love to go back :lolguy::lolguy:


Gotta love Obama's goodbye, I'm outta here wave :fuckyeah:



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Don't be so sure about that.






Tried checking facts on Obama on got this







Romney: facts, facts, facts, you stoopit

Obama: lie, typical ad campaign "fact", oh not true?, umm, story, im out


"Mr. President, you're entitled to your own airplane and your own house, but not your own facts" :nutkick:

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Tried checking facts on Obama on got this








"Mr. President, you're entitled to your own airplane and your own house, but not your own facts" :nutkick:


you -> http://theupsidedownworld.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/reality.jpg

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you ->


Actually I'm still looking at the four years of facts that are before us and still wondering WTF is wrong with Americans. Let's look failure dead in the eye and say "yeah I can could live with all that again"


Obama had nothing to talk about regarding himself (smart move really). He led off just about every point with his belief of what Mitt's plan is. You could tell he was so prepped and in need of his teleprompter and because he didn't even mention the 47% bullshit and you would think that lay-up was something he'd have scored a blow with. It hasn't been around long enough to fit into his talk track of polished rhetoric.


Romney proved tonight that he was not only well prepared but more than capable of going toe to toe with Obama smacking him with facts and a dose of what it's like to actually do something and then be able to elaborate on those experiences when asked a question. Watching it back, I love how Mitt brought his man-card to the debate looking dead at Obama when talking to him but Obama looks at the moderator, the floor and out in space as he wishes he had a teleprompter.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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How in the hell can you actually think Romney has a chance to win? He already lost 47% of the vote in a matter of one foot in mouth situation... A lot of people believe he is going to mess over woman... oh.. and.. and his plane doesnt have windows.
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Actually I'm still looking at the four years of facts that are before us and still wondering WTF is wrong with Americans. Let's look failure dead in the eye and say "yeah I can could live with all that again"


Obama had nothing to talk about regarding himself (smart move really). He led off just about every point with his belief of what Mitt's plan is. You could tell he was so prepped and in need of his teleprompter and because he didn't even mention the 47% bullshit and you would think that lay-up was something he'd have scored a blow with. It hasn't been around long enough to fit into his talk track of polished rhetoric.


Romney proved tonight that he was not only well prepared but more than capable of going toe to toe with Obama smacking him with facts and a dose of what it's like to actually do something and then be able to elaborate on those experiences when asked a question. Watching it back, I love how Mitt brought his man-card to the debate looking dead at Obama when talking to him but Obama looks at the moderator, the floor and out in space as he wishes he had a teleprompter.


Dude, have you lost all perspective that you are using Donald Trump's teleprompter shtick? Obama behaved like an incumbent who didn't need to create waves. That said, he did perform horribly at holding Mitt accountable to his shaking of the Etch-a-sketch tonight.


If I went unchallenged promising every citizen a 20% tax break while keeping everything they like about the world, I could get elected too. I wouldn't be surprised if a youtube parody was created with Romney debating himself from the primaries. He has doubled down on most every substantial conservative proposal. He once talked of hard decisions and tough cuts and is now attempting to convince us that his tax reductions will be paid for by firing the moderator and Big Bird.


We seriously saw a conservative candidate promise us that we can keep everything we like about the ACA, Medicare, education funding, and other big government programs, get a tax cut AND magically cut the budget through his "deduction bucket" theory. The last candidate elected who followed through with that policy got us in into this mess in the first place.


Edit: I forgot his rehashing the "Death Panel" bullshit. Sarah Palin is pleased with herself tonight.

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How in the hell can you actually think Romney has a chance to win? He already lost 47% of the vote in a matter of one foot in mouth situation... A lot of people believe he is going to mess over woman... oh.. and and his plane doesnt have windows.


If you turn out to be right it won't be because of the above. It will be because more than 47% of America can't see that what Obama has given us for the past four years is fail and that what he plans for the next four years is worse yet. Sadly I have more faith in Romney than in the American voters.


IMO, if anyone has half a brain they can see that Romney has more experience in the trenches of the business world. He's private sector business man that did a great job as governor and tonight schooled a sitting president who has no real world success to stand on.

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Dude, have you lost all perspective that you are using Donald Trump's teleprompter shtick? Obama behaved like an incumbent who didn't need to create waves. That said, he did perform horribly at holding Mitt accountable to his shaking of the Etch-a-sketch tonight.


If I went unchallenged promising every citizen a 20% tax break while keeping everything they like about the world, I could get elected too. I wouldn't be surprised if a youtube parody was created with Romney debating himself from the primaries. He has doubled down on most every substantial conservative proposal. He once talked of hard decisions and tough cuts and is now attempting to convince us that his tax reductions will be paid for by firing the moderator and Big Bird.


We seriously saw a conservative candidate promise us that we can keep everything we like about the ACA, Medicare, education funding, and other big government programs, get a tax cut AND magically cut the budget through his "deduction bucket" theory. The last candidate elected who followed through with that policy got us in into this mess in the first place.


Edit: I forgot his rehashing the "Death Panel" bullshit. Sarah Palin is pleased with herself tonight.


Yup. Obamas job at this point: "Dont be hated more than Romney"

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If you turn out to be right it won't be because of the above. It will be because more than 47% of America can't see that what Obama has given us for the past four years is fail and that what he plans for the next four years is worse yet. Sadly I have more faith in Romney than in the American voters.


IMO, if anyone has half a brain they can see that Romney has more experience in the trenches of the business world. He's private sector business man that did a great job as governor and tonight schooled a sitting president who has no real world success to stand on.


So, if you were part of that 47% would you vote for him?

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If you turn out to be right it won't be because of the above. It will be because more than 47% of America can't see that what Obama has given us for the past four years is fail and that what he plans for the next four years is worse yet. Sadly I have more faith in Romney than in the American voters.


IMO, if anyone has half a brain they can see that Romney has more experience in the trenches of the business world. He's private sector business man that did a great job as governor and tonight schooled a sitting president who has no real world success to stand on.


Ad hominem attacks now too? You're losing credibility by the post.


Just so you know, since business success is your key indicator for presidential success:


In the past eight decades, four of our nation's leaders had success in business before moving into the White House. Herbert Hoover was an engineer and consultant who, by all accounts, did a fine job managing mining operations; Jimmy Carter experienced success in agribusiness, turning significant profits while operating his family's peanut farm; George H.W. Bush gained considerable wealth owning and operating an oil company; and his son, George W. Bush, although he struggled to match his father's success in the oil business, was successful as a managing partner of the Texas Rangers.


Likewise presidents with little or no business success:


Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton


You made a good point. You have "Faith" and that's really what a vote for Romney is. He has give zero details of how to actually make any of his promises come to fruition. Paul Ryan actually said the "...math would take too long to explain". When you don't have any substance on which to make your decision it must be based on a feeling, some visceral response. Maybe that "faith" module would have been in the other half of a brain I don't have.

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Dude, have you lost all perspective that you are using Donald Trump's teleprompter shtick? Obama behaved like an incumbent who didn't need to create waves. That said, he did perform horribly at holding Mitt accountable to his shaking of the Etch-a-sketch tonight.


WTF is this trump shtick? Dude is a geat orator but needs s prompter and prepping to play his role. You're the one playing the pundents role of "he played it safe tonight" yeah right.....his own team has been saying he would come out swinging not that he was going to play it safe.


He failed not because he couldn't hold Mitt accountable, but because he has nothing of substance to talk about. He has no success doing what he said he would do let alone proving he can do anything different given four more years. $3+ Trillion of his own claimed "deficit reduction" is from simply bringing our troops home and calling the war over. That doesn't make a dent in the Trillions he has piled on so far and he's not even done yet.


If I went unchallenged promising every citizen a 20% tax break while keeping everything they like about the world, I could get elected too. I wouldn't be surprised if a youtube parody was created with Romney debating himself from the primaries. He has doubled down on most every substantial conservative proposal. He once talked of hard decisions and tough cuts and is now attempting to convince us that his tax reductions will be paid for by firing the moderator and Big Bird.
I won't debate you tonight because it's late, but even if you believe the above, it's pretty fucking sad Obama couldn't "challenge" Mitt on this then. CR member > Obama....yeah, that's call to vote democrat this year. Four more years of fail.


We seriously saw a conservative candidate promise us that we can keep everything we like about the ACA, Medicare, education funding, and other big government programs, get a tax cut AND magically cut the budget through his "deduction bucket" theory. The last candidate elected who followed through with that policy got us in into this mess in the first place.
Again, we can debate how Carter and Clinton fucked up the country in the morning, but we really don't have to as their role in it is well played out, that horse is dead. Not relevant anyway. In the end, Obama ain't got shit in terms of making this country right and the past four years of his added crap-record are all the proof we need. Again, if he could have he would have but he can't and thinking he will is a pipe dream.


You can claim the numbers don't add up, yadda yadda about Romney. What Obama has as a record of fact adds up well and it ain't pretty.

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Ad hominem attacks now too? You're losing credibility by the post.


You do really talk like that or do you just hope to gain rep points for leading off every fifth post on CR like this? It's entertaining I'll give you that.


Just so you know, since business success is your key indicator for presidential success:
Thanks for the internet factoids, but really, I more look at what people have done in the past and if they are capable of even doing what they said they were going to do. Romney has lead by example far more than Obama except that Obama is pretty good at saying he will do things and never follows through.


However, yes, at the end of the day, I will put forth more belief in a businessman who has been successful than a man playing president with no real world experience and fixing anything and a first term that is well, abysmal. Again, if Obama was capable of anything more than looking good in a suite, herding sheep and talking a good game, the results of his first term would be far different. That's a fact.

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You can claim the numbers don't add up, yadda yadda about Romney. What Obama has as a record of fact adds up well and it ain't pretty.


I was one of the first people in this thread to say he was losing. I still have objectivity. I think he thoroughly lost that debate on style. I think the fact checkers will judge substance in the next 24 hours. I think telling the moderator you'd fire him and big bird will become a meme.


It is easy when you don't have a record. When you haven't made concessions. When you don't have to confront reality you can say things like "yadda yadda" about the actual and factual insolubility of an economic policy.


When I am brought on to fix a small business losing 50k a month I have to lay out exactly what I am going to do in the next 12-18 months to fix it before I collect a single dime. In that plan the numbers have to add up and it has to be actionable. Can you imagine, as a business development dude yourself, telling a client to "just hire me and I'll tell you the details after"? I am only holding Romney accountable to the cosmically less important scale I am held to every day.

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So, if you were part of that 47% would you vote for him?


I would ask myself if where I am today is ahead of where I was 4-6 years ago and if I'm happy where I'm at and how our country's leadership impact the journey. I'd then look at where I want to be in another 4-6 years and how I felt either of the candidates strategies would impact that continued path of my life.


Really, I can't say because my family isn't part of that 47% but I'm voting based on where I am today and where we plan on being years from now. I'm doing so knowing I may pay more taxes too.

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I was one of the first people in this thread to say he was losing. I still have objectivity. I think he thoroughly lost that debate on style. I think the fact checkers will judge substance in the next 24 hours. I think telling the moderator you'd fire him and big bird will become a meme.


You were, I saw that and I too have objectivity whether you believe or not. I agree the big bird and public TV thing was a gaff, as was the comment about his 5 sons. However, in a way, he's real. He fucks up in speaking just like most people have vs Obama who comes across way, way to polished to the point of teleprompter prepped and fake. It would me 100x more if the guy was getting the job done. I'd sway 180*.


It is easy when you don't have a record. When you haven't made concessions. When you don't have to confront reality you can say things like "yadda yadda" about the actual and factual insolubility of an economic policy.


If you're saying Romney has no record, I don't follow you.


When I am brought on to fix a small business losing 50k a month I have to lay out exactly what I am going to do in the next 12-18 months to fix it before I collect a single dime. In that plan the numbers have to add up and it has to be actionable.


I've done exactly that in my role now and in the past. However, laying out things exactly isn't entirely how I did it and I agree with Romney's answer in that there isn't just "one way". That's what Obama wants him to say, "here's my plan....." so that he can pick it apart, debate his plan, etc... fuck that. Talk about your own game first and that's the politics of this race. Obama has no game so he's trying to attack Romney and is doing so in his adds.


My plan both in my previous role and in my current job had it's share of details but is more grounded on principles of how our business is run, daily business conducted, decisions made and the behaviors of our people. There are too many variables to say 2+4+6 is the way to equal 12. There's more than one way to get to 12 and I'm prepared to get us there no matter how it's done. I do believe Romney can do that. In three years I've taken my group from $9M at 15% margin to an on track 2012 of $30M revenue at 23% margins. Next year is $45M at 25%.


Can you imagine, as a business development dude yourself, telling a client to "just hire me and I'll tell you the details after"? I am only holding Romney accountable to the cosmically less important scale I am held to every day.


Yes and I'm doing the same. Thanks for the convo. If it get heated, don't mind me. It's the keyboard talking. I'm sure over a beer we'd have fun.

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I would ask myself if where I am today is ahead of where I was 4-6 years ago and if I'm happy where I'm at and how our country's leadership impact the journey. I'd then look at where I want to be in another 4-6 years and how I felt either of the candidates strategies would impact that continued path of my life.


Really, I can't say because my family isn't part of that 47% but I'm voting based on where I am today and where we plan on being years from now. I'm doing so knowing I may pay more taxes too.


Which they should.


I personally cant vote for either one. Neither candidate have my, or the countries best interest at heart IMO. Its a popularity contest of the highest power. I have so much sunshine up my skirt from that debate right now that I'm farting rainbows.

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