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Sorry, I wasn't paying attention

Just trying to be like Phil at steak n shake :p



So yes, it is nice to have the numbers and hard facts in front of you but the truth is that those take time and manpower to make right, which Team Mittens doesn't have yet.


I get that Mittens cant just give us everything because there are a lot of missing pieces. I also realize now it would be a bad move as any plan presented will give the other side a way to show how it could fail. Until all the pieces are put in place and the cards are shown we wont know if he is bluffing or has a full house. Its all part of the game. Another thing about not telling us is he can always change it and act like that's what he was planning all along lol. As you can see I do want numbers, but I can see why he's not throwing them out there.

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At this point I think that if Mitt gets elected he won't be a two term president, unless the Democrats provide someone as bad or worse than Joe Biden. If they come up with another Clinton or 2008 Obama then Mitt probably won't survive because in 2016 we will either be only slightly better than we are now, or worse, but we still won't be in good shape. There's been too much foot dragging already.


Capitalism can work if its left alone. Our version has been so screwed with that it can't work.

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Backpedalling? :gabe:


You are such a dick! :lolguy:


At this point I think that if Mitt gets elected he won't be a two term president, unless the Democrats provide someone as bad or worse than Joe Biden. If they come up with another Clinton or 2008 Obama then Mitt probably won't survive because in 2016 we will either be only slightly better than we are now, or worse, but we still won't be in good shape. There's been too much foot dragging already.


Capitalism can work if its left alone. Our version has been so screwed with that it can't work.


Yes yes and yes

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Meh! This is one guy. 50% to 31% is the majority. This was a debate people and that's just what happened last night. Biden was clearly more aggressive. There are no rules that say you get your 2 minutes before I can say my peace. Biden gave facts, Ryan pointed out it's all the democrats fault. Mitt paid 14% in taxes, Ryan asked for stimulus money, Ryan made it clear him and his family uses SS and medicare. Mitt wanted to let GM crash, wanted to let the housing market bust, etc. Like Mitt, Ryan was asked their plan instead of continuously knocking the democrats and yet again there was no answer. It also really bothers me how they want to tell a female what they can do with their bodies. Regardless of which side you're on, it's not the right of anyone to tell someone else what to do when it comes to their body.

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Meh! This is one guy. 50% to 31% is the majority. This was a debate people and that's just what happened last night. Biden was clearly more aggressive. There are no rules that say you get your 2 minutes before I can say my peace. Biden gave facts, Ryan pointed out it's all the democrats fault. Mitt paid 14% in taxes, Ryan asked for stimulus money, Ryan made it clear him and his family uses SS and medicare. Mitt wanted to let GM crash, wanted to let the housing market bust, etc. Like Mitt, Ryan was asked their plan instead of continuously knocking the democrats and yet again there was no answer. It also really bothers me how they want to tell a female what they can do with their bodies. Regardless of which side you're on, it's not the right of anyone to tell someone else what to do when it comes to their body.


yeah, babies arent real people anyway.


They cant talk

they cant communicate well

they rely on others to function and grow


Lets kill the retards too while were at it!!

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yeah, babies arent real people anyway.


They cant talk

they cant communicate well

they rely on others to function and grow


Lets kill the retards too while were at it!!


What does those facts have to do with an abortion?

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The framework is solid, third party studies concur, so In the end to show his cards in detail would do them no favors so it would be a poor move to put anything out there.


Citation for studies.. Other than the two WSJ white papers written by Romney advisors.


The rest of them that actually engage in simple math show that it is literally impossible without 10 years of sustained 4%+ growth. when did that last happen?

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Mitt paid 14% in taxes

Ryan asked for stimulus money

Ryan made it clear him and his family uses SS and medicare.


All of the above are completely fair and available to all under the current rules. There's no shame or blame in the above. Romney put his money in the market vs the avg. Joe that earns $50k that Biden talks about. Congrats to Romney and those of us in the market. We're the ones letting our earnings make us money and run the economy. I'm not saying the avg $50k earner is bad, but they have the same opportunity to invest as everyone else. That 14% tax is on investments no a bimonthly paycheck. Completely different things.


Just because one person who has the means play the market doesn't make them a bad person. These breaks are out there to encourage investment. If the taxes were equal my wife and I wouldn't take the risk on the market and would just sit on our money. We don't because the risk/reward opportunity is attractive and when we win, we get the break. Pretty simple. Again, you can't fault Romeny or those with means for driving investment.


Ryan asking for Stimulus money...why not? Fuck, if Biden and Obama are going to hand out money doesn't is seem reasonable that a Republican serving should support his own constituents and get them their fair share of the dough? Again, using the system that was put in place. He looked out for his people. Biden and Obama had the role of insuring their program was solvent and beneficial. Can't fault Ryan for what he did.


Same for his family on SS and medicare. I see no clause that says they can't use it. His family is hardly in the group of people who live soley off gov't programs sponging off the people, which is in reality, the group Romney was referring to. What he said was phrased incorrectly, no doubt, but Biden's neighbors, unless their crack head pimps with no education sucking off the system aren't in the category that Romney was speaking of.


I just drove through downtown Lansing, MI and saw the groups of people with Obama signs up in the yards. Many of them were in hood rat neighborhoods filled with Section 8 homes with guys sitting on their porch smoking and drinking as the rest of us start our work day. Damn straight they want Obama in office because they will get more free-bee's. Again, completely different than the elderly couple living in the burbs on SS and retirement plans/fixed incomes who put in an honest living back in the day. Raise the bar, support those that put in their dues and work to better themselves. Don't continue to reward or support those that choose otherwise. I stopped in a grocery there to pick up some breakfast and was behind a lady with two kids in tow, a cart full of snack food, beer and asking for smokes. She paid for her "food" with food stamps and the smokes and beer with Cash. I bet she has an Obama sticker on her car too. THAT is the bullshit that Romney is referencing.


Mitt wanted to let GM crash, wanted to let the housing market bust, etc. Like Mitt, Ryan was asked their plan instead of continuously knocking the democrats and yet again there was no answer.
Mitt was right to want GM to crash too. Fuck, Obama took a chance with our money and had nothing to lose. If it didn't work, he didn't care, it was just the first of many spends$$ that he was lining up to do. If the GM bailout did work, he would be a hero. Obama played that card well as it was a lose who cares / win, I'm a here scenario for him.


Mitt doesn't take those chances nor would he support the bullshit that caused GM to be in such a position. Do you really see Obama giving a shit about a $17T debt? His actions show he could care less and he just keeps racking it up. He has such poor business sense it's amazes me that the people can even buy his credibility.


It also really bothers me how they want to tell a female what they can do with their bodies. Regardless of which side you're on, it's not the right of anyone to tell someone else what to do when it comes to their body.
I'm pro choice and with you on that. The fact that either side is even remotely focused on fucking with such issues in this time / situation we're in pisses me off. Fix the economy NOW!
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What does those facts have to do with an abortion?


abortion is all about convenience, not a womans rights to choose.


You kill a woman who is pregnant, you get hit with 2 counts of murder.


A doctor WILLING kills a baby in an operation because the woman is inconvenienced by a child, doctor gets paid and doesnt get charged with murder.




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The rest of them that actually engage in simple math show that it is literally impossible without 10 years of sustained 4%+ growth. when did that last happen?


and what are the chances Obama/Biden would even come close to the above? has anything they've done prove they can come close to bettering our situation the country is in? I'm not talking plans or ideas or hope and change, I'm talking real world put up or shut up actions that will do any better or even close to what's needed. they don't have the skills nor background nor do the last four years of being in office offer them any credibility to warrant another term. there's zero sense in putting them back in office.


again, is Romney, the second coming...no, but he's a fucking hell of a lot better option than the guys who have show little of anything so far. Perhaps you want to run with them again, but I have no interest in what they are offering. Especially gov't run healthcare. they can't manage what is in front of them, let alone health care reform.

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and what are the chances Obama/Biden would even come close to the above? has anything they've done prove they can come close to bettering our situation the country is in? I'm not talking plans or ideas or hope and change, I'm talking real world put up or shut up actions that will do any better or even close to what's needed. they don't have the skills nor background nor do the last four years of being in office offer them any credibility to warrant another term. there's zero sense in putting them back in office.


again, is Romney, the second coming...no, but he's a fucking hell of a lot better option than the guys who have show little of anything so far. Perhaps you want to run with them again, but I have no interest in what they are offering. Especially gov't run healthcare. they can't manage what is in front of them, let alone health care reform.


Ok, so no studies?

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Especially gov't run healthcare. they can't manage what is in front of them, let alone health care reform.


You mean like the Romneycare that Obamacare was largely based off of? Massachusetts republican, or Illinois democrat. Jesus we are fucked.


Although I'm with you on the no government healthcare thing.

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Ok, so no studies?


Don't need them in this debate. Did Obama/Biden have studies that showed their plan would work? Perhaps they did, but obviously that didn't matter. Why? Because they had zero credibility or qualification for even being put in office to begin with. How did their first term work America? Do either have a history that said they could come close to fixing things? What's changed since 2008?


Still waiting on proof that Obama/Biden have a clue or proof they should even have been there to begin wit let alone for another painful 4 years. Have they done what they said they were going to do?


They ran on Hope and Change. Seriously? The American people that voted for them got what they deserved. I hope their kids kick them in the nuts for it....right after mine do.

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You mean like the Romneycare that Obamacare was largely based off of? Massachusetts republican, or Illinois democrat. Jesus we are fucked.


No I mean like the way Obama/Biden and the dems try and "negotiate" within the administration. Obamacare was crammed down our throats by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. Fuck just knowing Pelosi, Ried and Clinton are all in the same boat with Obama makes me cringe with sorrow for the country. These are the dumb asses making decisions for our people :no:


But hey....at least he had a plan with details on how he was going to make it happen. What need did he have to work with anyone on said details. He's a solid businessman with a strong track record that doesn't give a fuck about working with others. :rolleyes: Just smooth talk the public and force us to hope his change will work despite the costs involved. :dumb: Hey, to all those struggling that voted for these fools, congrats and just remember the phrase, "thank you sir, may I have another" Seriously, if you are hurting, got laid off recently or are struggling and voted for him....then thank you got what you voted to have in place. Let's just hope you then think about that before doing that again.


But to your point, I do believe Romney is more qualified in terms of Heath Care. Unlike Obama his track record shows he has a way better blend of balancing opinions of those around him. The fact that he worked on the system in MA leave him very well positioned comment the mistakes in Obamacare and provide us a better solution. He's been there done that where Obama lacks the ability to come to the table with experience. I don't need a study to show me anything. Look to who has done what. Obama couldn't get everyone to even agree on his plan so he stuffed it upon us. Romney didn't do that in MA.


Romney also doesn't come across as arrogant like Obama and is willing to admit where his plan in MA had both good and bad parts. Romney comes up with plans and executes them. He may not win every time but his record is far more successful and through failure comes learning. Obama lacks experience and has no wins to speak of. Not to mention he's pretty stuck on his plan is what we all need and doesn't learn from his failures. Proof in his repeated adds to the deficit through poor ideas is proof. We're in for more of the same if he's put back in office. That's very clear.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Don't need them in this debate. Did Obama/Biden have studies that showed their plan would work? Perhaps they did, but obviously that didn't matter. Why? Because they had zero credibility or qualification for even being put in office to begin with. How did their first term work America? Do either have a history that said they could come close to fixing things? What's changed since 2008?


Still waiting on proof that Obama/Biden have a clue or proof they should even have been there to begin wit let alone for another painful 4 years. Have they done what they said they were going to do?


They ran on Hope and Change. Seriously? The American people that voted for them got what they deserved. I hope their kids kick them in the nuts for it....right after mine do.


That's called redirection. Ryan was trying to do it all night. If you cite something as evidence of your point you don't later say, "Oh that may or may not exist but it doesn't matter", that is dishonest and certainly has not place in a intellectual debate.

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That's called redirection. Ryan was trying to do it all night. If you cite something as evidence of your point you don't later say, "Oh that may or may not exist but it doesn't matter", that is dishonest and certainly has not place in a intellectual debate.


having little to no experience or track record of success, especially after being in office for a full term has no place in a re-election of leaders for this country. sadly the dems felt Obama/Biden were the very best they had to offer.

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