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Interesting experience at the range


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So I took my wife to the range last weekend so she could shoot her new Sig P238 that I got her for our anniversary and I took my 9mm M&P and my Kimber 45. Everything was going fine until I started shooting my Kimber and I ended up SHOOTING 3 people including me and my wife and another guy shooting at the range. Thats right bullets were actually ricocheting all the way back from the backstop and hitting us. Not enough to hurt but it did break the skin and leave a bruise on my wifes leg. The other guy said the same thing happened to him last week so it must be something to do with the backstop design because the gun was shooting fine with nice clean holes through the target. The only thing I can figure is everything else I shot was a FMJ with a nice typical rounded bullet but with my .45 I was shooting Winchester ammo which has angled sides and a flat face. The backstop was angled like the pic below so I guess the angle of the bullet was matching up with the angle of the backstop and causing the ricochet? Anybody else have anything like this happen to them?



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I guess if that Ammo is a problem there, they need to make sure iits not shot there, Still a wierd stuation though.


No doubt, at first I thought my rounds might be hitting the floor first because the targets I was using have multiple bulls eyes on them and I was shooting at the lower ones and since I'm fairly tall I thought there might be a chance that since I only had the targets about halfway out that I might have been hitting the floor even though it was a heck of a longshot. But even after I started shooting at the upper bullseye it still happened. Even though they didnt hit us hard the more I think about it the more I realize if one of these were to have hit one of us in the face that could have been nasty. As it was I hit my wife and the other guy in the leg and I was hit right on my belt just to the left of my buckle which now that I write this was just a few inches away from a nut shot for me.

This all happened over in Springfield at the former Lauhorners which is now owned by Miami Valley.

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I would never shoot at a range with that much crap sitting on a indoor range. Go someplace else and never return.


Thats not the range I was shooting at that was just a pic off of the web showing the kind of backstop they use there, guess I should have been more clear about that.

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If that's a private owned range they need to be aware of the situation. That's an injury and huge law suit waiting to happen. It shouldn't matter that much the type of ammo being used. Their setup should be able to stop it sufficiently
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I got hit in the leg earlier this year at Vandalia Range and Armory. It was enough to cut through my pants and make me bleed. The range hand said he's never seen that happen before. If it happened more than once I would have been more concerned. Like what's been said. I wouldn't go back there.
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Were you able to recover any over the bullets or pieces that hit your wife and friends? Sounds extremely dangerous.


Yep, here's a pic of two of the bullets and an unfired version of what I was shooting that day:





As you can see it's definitely not fragments its the whole bullet. Kinda gave me that nervous "I hope this isnt worse that it feels" feeling when it hit me.

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or you can go to NASR and shoot on the rifle range next to all the gangster thugs with AK's, til one of them shoots the ceiling above you.


happened last week. ranges piss me off.


+1000 Seems like ranges are either way to strict with all the safety rules or they don't give a damn about them, would be nice to find a happy medium. Well either that or my own piece of property that I could shoot on.

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or you can go to NASR and shoot on the rifle range next to all the gangster thugs with AK's, til one of them shoots the ceiling above you.


happened last week. ranges piss me off.


You can usually tell which idiot is going to muzzle sweep you at least once at any range.

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+1000 Seems like ranges are either way to strict with all the safety rules or they don't give a damn about them, would be nice to find a happy medium. Well either that or my own piece of property that I could shoot on.


Never had a problem at Ohio Valley Outdoors in Lancaster. Got to be my favorite indoor range in Central Ohio.

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