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Strangest question evar! Who can sew nylon straps


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So I need some nylon straps sewn onto some ripstop nylon, I do not have a sewing machine nor the knowledge of doing such a task. Anyone here have wives, gf's, mom's, grandmas that know how to sew this well? Or perhaps where to go?


It will be for my near space balloon and will be carrying expensive stuffs so I would rather have it done well and correctly

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Take it to an emboidery shop in town. They will have the heavy duty machines to do it properly.


wasnt sure if a shop like that would do something as random as this lol

My mom has her own sewing business


Pm me for phone #



Thought this was going to be about a sex swing. No longer interested.

sadly no, that came premade so I didnt have to sew anything


just tie it in a knot, it'll be ok

if only it were that easy, it has to be sewn to each other, otherwise i would have double knotted that bitch and thrown some duct tape on it for good measure

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