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ehermeged troles


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Ok I got a few Qs for the admins:


1. Why was bluemach permabanned? I mean ,,,,comma,,, or whatever his name was before he got banned forever or put into miserable?


2. Why mods be head hunting "da troles?" Can you define what a trole is? I for one think that anyone who is a "troll" makes this site more fun, although there are proper ways to do it. Ex: the new guy Dale. People are all jelly about his shit, but why in the fuk would you troll him? New members are necessary to keep this place alive. Sure if he doesn't post pics in his oven, give him shit, but when he posts a legit threat in the forums, don't attack him.


3. I would probably fire like 3 mods. Idk why but I think some mods just get bored n start infracting the fuk out of ppl. Paul gets banned tonight from who the fuk knows what. Probably some stupid shit that no one cares about.

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Maybe the mods are just a higher echelon of troll, and you and the other trolls are simply their plaything.


It really doesn't take any effort to copypasta some gay erotic fiction, but to get a troll so riled up that they need to spam threads about how X, Y, or Z member shouldn't be banned, or how the mods do a shitty job, or how trolls are the victim of a modtroll conspiracy, well that is an example of some pretty masterful trolling.


The troll has become the trolled

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Trolling is like obscenity or justice: difficult to define precisely, but we all know when we see it.


There's a distinction to be made between "good" trolling and "bad" trolling. Granted, "good" and "bad" are likely insufficient terms, and probably far too dichotomous. However, you likely get the point.


I'm all for "good" trolling, though there's an art to it. Too much "good" trolling can quickly decompensate into what most would consider "bad" trolling. You have to know when trolling is okay and when to back off. Too much trolling and the trolled begin to rebel.


Some people on here likely consider themselves to be quite clever and perceive themselves to be masterful trolls. In reality, though, they're probably just fucking annoying.


The incessant negative, off-topic commentary (i.e., shitting in threads) and going out of your way to pick on people for little to no reason other than you feel like it's funny are two things I would consider within the domain of "bad" trolling. However, considering this is the Internet, I'm not sure how you'd ever completely rid a place like this of stuff like that.


Being on CR is voluntary and a privilege. If I don't like "bad" trolling, then I'm free to leave. Similarly, the powers that be can exercise their power how they see fit. If someone here with the power to ban doesn't like your trolling - however they decide to conceptualize it - they can ban your ass and that's that. So, my unsolicited advice is to the banned trolls is this: stop trolling, leave, or be better trolls so you won't get banned as much.

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Trolling is like obscenity or justice: difficult to define precisely, but we all know when we see it.


There's a distinction to be made between "good" trolling and "bad" trolling. Granted, "good" and "bad" are likely insufficient terms, and probably far too dichotomous. However, you likely get the point.


I'm all for "good" trolling, though there's an art to it. Too much "good" trolling can quickly decompensate into what most would consider "bad" trolling. You have to know when trolling is okay and when to back off. Too much trolling and the trolled begin to rebel.


Some people on here likely consider themselves to be quite clever and perceive themselves to be masterful trolls. In reality, though, they're probably just fucking annoying.


The incessant negative, off-topic commentary (i.e., shitting in threads) and going out of your way to pick on people for little to no reason other than you feel like it's funny are two things I would consider within the domain of "bad" trolling. However, considering this is the Internet, I'm not sure how you'd ever completely rid a place like this of stuff like that.


Being on CR is voluntary and a privilege. If I don't like "bad" trolling, then I'm free to leave. Similarly, the powers that be can exercise their power how they see fit. If someone here with the power to ban doesn't like your trolling - however they decide to conceptualize it - they can ban your ass and that's that. So, my unsolicited advice is to the banned trolls is this: stop trolling, leave, or be better trolls so you won't get banned as much.


This pretty much sums it up right here and how it will be going forward.

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Trolling is like obscenity or justice: difficult to define precisely, but we all know when we see it.


There's a distinction to be made between "good" trolling and "bad" trolling. Granted, "good" and "bad" are likely insufficient terms, and probably far too dichotomous. However, you likely get the point.


I'm all for "good" trolling, though there's an art to it. Too much "good" trolling can quickly decompensate into what most would consider "bad" trolling. You have to know when trolling is okay and when to back off. Too much trolling and the trolled begin to rebel.


Some people on here likely consider themselves to be quite clever and perceive themselves to be masterful trolls. In reality, though, they're probably just fucking annoying.


The incessant negative, off-topic commentary (i.e., shitting in threads) and going out of your way to pick on people for little to no reason other than you feel like it's funny are two things I would consider within the domain of "bad" trolling. However, considering this is the Internet, I'm not sure how you'd ever completely rid a place like this of stuff like that.


Being on CR is voluntary and a privilege. If I don't like "bad" trolling, then I'm free to leave. Similarly, the powers that be can exercise their power how they see fit. If someone here with the power to ban doesn't like your trolling - however they decide to conceptualize it - they can ban your ass and that's that. So, my unsolicited advice is to the banned trolls is this: stop trolling, leave, or be better trolls so you won't get banned as much.



Dude, you know I can't read

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Trolling is like obscenity or justice: difficult to define precisely, but we all know when we see it.


There's a distinction to be made between "good" trolling and "bad" trolling. Granted, "good" and "bad" are likely insufficient terms, and probably far too dichotomous. However, you likely get the point.


I'm all for "good" trolling, though there's an art to it. Too much "good" trolling can quickly decompensate into what most would consider "bad" trolling. You have to know when trolling is okay and when to back off. Too much trolling and the trolled begin to rebel.


Some people on here likely consider themselves to be quite clever and perceive themselves to be masterful trolls. In reality, though, they're probably just fucking annoying.


The incessant negative, off-topic commentary (i.e., shitting in threads) and going out of your way to pick on people for little to no reason other than you feel like it's funny are two things I would consider within the domain of "bad" trolling. However, considering this is the Internet, I'm not sure how you'd ever completely rid a place like this of stuff like that.


Being on CR is voluntary and a privilege. If I don't like "bad" trolling, then I'm free to leave. Similarly, the powers that be can exercise their power how they see fit. If someone here with the power to ban doesn't like your trolling - however they decide to conceptualize it - they can ban your ass and that's that. So, my unsolicited advice is to the banned trolls is this: stop trolling, leave, or be better trolls so you won't get banned as much.


Dude, you know I can't read






Trolling is funny

Trolling can get out of hand

A funny Troll can become an unfunny troll if he/she decides to take it to far

Unfunny trolls should be banned.

All admins/mods are trolls.

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I am a troll. I have always been a troll. I have mastered my craft to the tune that I am the strongest troll on this website. You wish you could troll like me. My level of education and intellect allows me to troll at a level so high you do not even realize when I am trolling.


I now grant you permission to hate me. If you choose not to hate me or dont care then you have contributed to me winning. If you are a contributor then I thank you and grant you the right to not hate me. If you start hating me because you dont think I have the right to grant permissions, you will soon realize that earlier in this post I granted you the right to hate me already. If I were you I would just not care and chalk it up as a loss as my winning can not be defeated.

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I am a troll. I have always been a troll. I have mastered my craft to the tune that I am the strongest troll on this website. You wish you could troll like me. My level of education and intellect allows me to troll at a level so high you do not even realize when I am trolling.


I now grant you permission to hate me. If you choose not to hate me or dont care then you have contributed to me winning. If you are a contributor then I thank you and grant you the right to not hate me. If you start hating me because you dont think I have the right to grant permissions, you will soon realize that earlier in this post I granted you the right to hate me already. If I were you I would just not care and chalk it up as a loss as my winning can not be defeated.



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