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Video Card Recomendations


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So after removing my stock heatsink on my nvidia gtx 480 and reinstalling a 3rd party heatsink my overheating issues are worse. I am about to just buy a new card. I have $300. What are some good card for playing games on very high settings and why? I do not plan to overclock so I am looking at best options in stock form. I prefer nvidia but will listen to recommendations on amd. I do not want another video card that will overheat and reboot my pc.
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I've had two Sapphire AMDs for current and previous computers. They run quite cool while delivering high performance.


Why is your current overheating? Assume you didn't OC it?


Must be a bad card. I didn't overclock. It idled at 65-70C, 110-115C on load.

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Must be a bad card. I didn't overclock. It idled at 65-70C, 110-115C on load.


Running 2 Monitors? I know the GTX480xs tends to like to over heat when used with 2 monitors. But that is ususally fixable with new TIM like artic silver and updating the Bios on the card. That is a lot of money wasted if the card was defective from Nvidia. What kind of card is it? I know EVGAs offered a life time warranty with the GTX480s when they first came out.

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Any of the newer GTX 6xx series cards will do you well and the only problem I have with ATI is their drivers aren't the best and have historically performed poorly in comparison to the nvidia driver counter-parts. As for the 7xxx series ati cards, those are alright but if you have a budget for a nicer card, look at the Nvidia GTX 6** series.


Also get whatever video card you're going to buy from Microcenter with the extended warranty because you will be able to retain the value of what you spent on your card at the time of purchase 2 or 3 years down the road when you want to 'cash in' on your warranty. I.e. you spend $250 on a video card from Microcenter and get the warranty, fast forward 2 years and you take your video card back to Microcenter and say it's broken I need a new one and bam, you get a gift card for $250 towards WHATEVER you want.


I went from a $99 dollar video card up to a $500 dollar video card that way over the past years.

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Running 2 Monitors? I know the GTX480xs tends to like to over heat when used with 2 monitors. But that is ususally fixable with new TIM like artic silver and updating the Bios on the card. That is a lot of money wasted if the card was defective from Nvidia. What kind of card is it? I know EVGAs offered a life time warranty with the GTX480s when they first came out.


Only one monitor and it is EVGA. Since I removed stock heatsink I have no warranty.

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Tom's Hardware October Roundup: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-5.html


660 GTX Ti... I like the evga cards... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130810


I have a 560 Ti and really like it.


This I just bought a 560ti EVGA also and you can't beat the price on them right now, also it will run everything you want just fine, but if your willing to spend the whole $300 the 660 GTX ti is an amazing card also.

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This I just bought a 560ti EVGA also and you can't beat the price on them right now, also it will run everything you want just fine, but if your willing to spend the whole $300 the 660 GTX ti is an amazing card also.


Yea I was leaning towards spending $350 and going to microcenter to get the 660 GTX that has 3GB of Ram. Anyone else have a better idea?

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