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None of you truly know me yet, but I did want to share something with you (regardless of my violent posts you have read, so maybe I am not the best example, but I would like that to change :)). Easter is on Sunday and to me it is not about bunnies and eggs. There is more to it. So, I just though I would share an article I came across The Political Meaning of Easter. Since it isn't really about politics, and there is no forum for Religion, I stuck it under off-topic. Yes, I am a Christian, and I understand some of you are not...that is okay. Don't bash me, I don't bash you...the point I am getting at here about true Christianity. I am certainly not perfect, I am human. This is Easter to me...


"I'm not going to say that the resurrection is when Jesus got up from the grave. Or that, if you believe in Jesus' resurrection, then your body will get up too someday. That's a religion for children. We all start out as children and that's fine. But if our faith does not grow, then when we are afraid our immature religion will cause us to hurt other people, our immature religion will cause us to reject those who are different, our immature religion will be capable of taking advantage, enslaving, or even killing other people."

I hope everyone has a great Easter, no matter what you are doing, I will be thinking of you all.

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None of you truly know me yet, but I did want to share something with you (regardless of my violent posts you have read, so maybe I am not the best example, but I would like that to change :)). Easter is on Sunday and to me it is not about bunnies and eggs. There is more to it. So, I just though I would share an article I came across The Political Meaning of Easter. Since it isn't really about politics, and there is no forum for Religion, I stuck it under off-topic. Yes, I am a Christian, and I understand some of you are not...that is okay. Don't bash me, I don't bash you...the point I am getting at here about true Christianity. I am certainly not perfect, I am human. This is Easter to me...


"I'm not going to say that the resurrection is when Jesus got up from the grave. Or that, if you believe in Jesus' resurrection, then your body will get up too someday. That's a religion for children. We all start out as children and that's fine. But if our faith does not grow, then when we are afraid our immature religion will cause us to hurt other people, our immature religion will cause us to reject those who are different, our immature religion will be capable of taking advantage, enslaving, or even killing other people."

I hope everyone has a great Easter, no matter what you are doing, I will be thinking of you all.

Thanks for the warm wishes on sunday...

For me, religion=waste of time I could be doing something else.

However I several friends of several different religions/life philosophies/non-religions, including catholics, non-denom christians, jews, muslims, wiccans, satansists, buddhists, fundies, agnostics, atheists, and secular humanists...

Whatever your religion/non-religion/life philosophy, have a great day, every day...

man that was CHEEZY, like velveeta...but it's true.

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This is Easter for me:

The Greatest Christian Feast:

Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For Catholics, Easter Sunday comes at the end of 40 days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving known as Lent. Through spiritual struggle and self-denial, we have prepared ourselves to die spiritually with Christ on Good Friday, the day of his Crucifixion, so that we can rise again with him in new life on Easter.

The Fulfillment of Our Faith:

Easter is a day of celebration because it represents the fulfillment of our faith as Christians. St. Paul wrote that, unless Christ rose from the dead, our faith is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:17). Through his death, Christ saved mankind from bondage to sin, and he destroyed the hold that death has on all of us; but it is his resurrection that gives us the promise of new life, both in this world and the next.

The Coming of the Kingdom:

That new life began on Easter Sunday. In the Our Father, we pray that "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven." And Christ told his disciples that some of them would not die until they saw the Kingdom of God "coming in power" (Mark 9:1). The early Christian Fathers saw Easter as the fulfillment of that promise. With the resurrection of Christ, God's Kingdom is established on earth, in the form of the Church.

New Life in Christ:

That is why people who are converting to Catholicism traditionally are baptized at the Easter Vigil service, which takes place on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter), starting sometime after sunset. They have usually undergone a long process of study and preparation known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Their baptism parallels Christ's own death and resurrection, as they die to sin and rise to new life in the Kingdom of God.

Communion - Our Easter Duty:

Because of the central importance of Easter to the Christian faith, the Catholic Church requires that all Catholics who have made their First Communion receive the Holy Eucharist sometime during the Easter season, which lasts through Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. (They should also take part in the Sacrament of Confession before receiving this Easter communion.) This reception of the Eucharist is a visible sign of our faith and our participation in the Kingdom of God. Of course, we should receive Communion as frequently as possible; this "Easter Duty" is simply the minimum requirement set by the Church.

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Dude...I fail a lot hence my signature. You can't be perfect, you just have to try to be and that is all that counts. As long as you have a good heart, it's all good. I know I say things a lot and think things, and it is unavoidable cause temptation is always there, but you get through it and God forgives you :).

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I haven't done Easter since I was litte. We're trying to have a kid this year, so if that happens I'll be doing easter as they get older for the egg hunting.

Good luck in the "egg hunting" department :lol: Crap there I go.... let's not turn this into a bad thread cause of me mkay.

Edited by DollFace
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There are a lot of different belief sets out there, I'm sure mine is not a popular one to some. Now is an excellent time to think about the life and death of Jesus (if you are so inclined). I won't say anything more because the interwebz isn't usually the right place for it, but if any well dressed people knock on your door feel free to chat with them. We're people too (and some of us riders).


And I'm out

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Thank you!

I do hang my head in shame. I'm sure I can do a lot better in being a christian and fallowing the word of the Lord. But everyday, at least once, I say a Pryor for someone else. I believe in my heart we as humans are of error and unfortunately a creature of bad habitats but want to do the right thing TRULY.

I look froward to Easter or the Holy day. What a beautiful day to enjoy family, friends and giving thanks to all include our lives. My daughter is my vessel of continuous life. Once I pass I want her to be an amazing, well round and knowledgeable lady in many things and religion is also one of them.

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Thank you!

I do hang my head in shame. I'm sure I can do a lot better in being a christian and fallowing the word of the Lord. But everyday, at least once, I say a Pryor for someone else. I believe in my heart we as humans are of error and unfortunately a creature of bad habitats but want to do the right thing TRULY.

I look froward to Easter or the Holy day. What a beautiful day to enjoy family, friends and giving thanks to all include our lives. My daughter is my vessel of continuous life. Once I pass I want her to be an amazing, well round and knowledgeable lady in many things and religion is also one of them.

I wouldn't hold your head in shame cause it seems like you have a good strong one on your shoulders!

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I haven't done Easter since I was litte. We're trying to have a kid this year, so if that happens I'll be doing easter as they get older for the egg hunting.

WHHHOOOOAAAAAA back up the boat there, sailor....little ninjas running around?? Can the world, as it stands, take this new development? You're gonna make sure they look like momma, right?

Oh, and to everyone out there, have a great Easter, and as of today, we Jews wish you a happy Passover too :jewish:

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WHHHOOOOAAAAAA back up the boat there, sailor....little ninjas running around?? Can the world, as it stands, take this new development? You're gonna make sure they look like momma, right?

Oh, and to everyone out there, have a great Easter, and as of today, we Jews wish you a happy Passover too :jewish:

Happy passover to you too :)! I am celebrating with you.

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On the first Easter, Jesus rose from the dead, moved the stone away from the tomb and walked outside...














he then saw his shadow, which of course meant 6 more week of winter.


I may have missed some of the details :)

Edited by Tpoppa
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