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My First Published Article


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Dragzine just published my first article! It looks like they will have me do one a week or more if time allows. When race season kicks back off I will be helping with their race coverage.




It feels pretty good to finally have some hard work pay off.

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Thanks! This type of writing is way different than academic style and took some adjusting.


They posted the shit out of the 6 second video I did of Mark's car on dragzine and LSX TV on facebook.


I get my training later this week on how to post directly to the site, after that I will be able to post at will.


If any of you have drag racing stories, ideas, videos or anything feel free to send them to me. I will give you a shout out in the article when I write it :lol:

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Love your article, but punctuation is your friend! My input on the first two paragraphs:


Every day, we’re surrounded by some type of vehicle that runs on diesel. You could be driving next to an eighteen-wheeler on the freeway, box truck on a city street, or a freight train on the tracks hauling cargo. In the racing world, we’re used to seeing something diesel powered hauling a car to the track. For some racers, diesel is for getting there...and for racing.


The National Hot Rod Diesel Association (NHRDA) is a sanctioning body that boasts diesel-powered drag racing. They’re set up much like the NHRA, with divisions and national events. Their organization provides several classes for people to compete in, and the gnarliest of them all is the Top Diesel class. Top Diesel is a class of coal-rolling insanity that is ‘run what you brung and hope that you brung enough.’


Just a few extra colons and hyphens to break up your great writing, Wags...

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