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U.N. Web Regulation?


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Much noise about nothing... countries like Iran, China, NKorea, Pakistan... you know, the usual suspects, are going to go in and demand UN control of the Internet on the grounds of anti-blasphemy, anti-dissent, and whatever BS they feel like trumping up. America will say STFU, we invented it and things work just fine thank-you-very-much, and that'll be that.
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pretty soon, you will be considered a terrorist if you are proud of your country. The UN wants to disarm america and Obama is doing his best to slowly downgrade firearms that are legal. Bush originally signed the patriot act so it's not a democrat verses republicans deals. It all means more government contracts.


Just about anything now these days online are monitored by NSA or other agencies for various "suspicious activities" that has never been set in stone as to what the means. Also businesses monitor activities online to enhance marketing opportunities and bank routinely share personal information to target important customers.


If things weren't monitored then why did we/US build a large monitoring center in Utah?

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