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MIND=OBLITERATED, in 5mins my life just changed fuaarrrkkk


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Today is the day I face my fears and stop being a petty slave to my emotions & avoidance of short term pain / seeking short term pleasure. Today is the day I become a real man.


I decided to take a cold shower. Cold can make pussies of even the bravest man. It didn't hit me until I got to my shower how afraid I was. 30 seconds earlier I was like "hell yeah, come the fuck at me cold water!" to myself.


Then I got into my shower and stood there with my hand frozen on the tap. For 5 minutes I felt extreme anxiety about what was about to happen, and stood there trying to psyche myself into it. "You're being a fucking pussy little bitch, pain is weakness leaving the body, just fucking do it already. If you can't handle a little cold water how the hell are you ever going to achieve your dreams?". I was literally shaking slightly in fear, several times I was about to turn the tap then stopped myself. I wouldn't let myself even think of getting out of that shower because I knew I would be a broken man if I did. I could turn that tap and walk the path to realizing my dreams or get out of the shower and fade away into mediocrity.


I don't know what it was that finally spurred me to take action. I turned the tap hard and a cascade of ice cold water that had been sitting in the pipes throughout the long night fell upon me. The first 30 seconds were hell. My entire body screamed at me to jump out of the shower but I forced myself to stay put.


As my body began to adjust to the cold though I felt an extreme sense of exhilaration. I screamed out "fuaaaaaarrrrrkkkkkk". I had done it, I had forced myself to conquer my fears after a lifetime of avoidance. The feeling was indescribable. I stayed in the shower for several minutes reveling in the sensations before I decided it was time to get out. I had stepped into that shower a boy. I left as a man.

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I had a job in high school that had us spend a week in eastern PA at a rock concert in the middle of nowhere. The shower house was just stalls with straight well water, no heater of any sort. I remember the water taking my breath away and making it hard to breath. It was not fun.
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