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gun control "from my cold dead hands' thread


bitch before the election

bitch during the election

bitch after the election

invent time machine to bitch in some sort of time space continuum














































































For being the "hard working _____ class American's" that you are you guys sure to have all the time in the world to post short novels


Excuse me while i enjoy the rest of my day before going into work where the women bleed less than the CR POLITIKAL crew does.

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I can't run for office though. Can you imagine anyone from CR Showing up in public life. The posts and PM's that would come out on TV :fuckyeah:


You'd have to come right out and put them out there from day one.

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I can't run for office though. Can you imagine anyone from CR Showing up in public life. The posts and PM's that would come out on TV :fuckyeah:


You'd have to come right out and put them out there from day one.


Anthony is Jewish, everything has a price. :)

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