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4.0+ Sense based ROM for original droid Incredible


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been running skyraider 3.5 for almost 2 years. Its been fine for what i do, even still being on 2.2 on a 2.5 year old phone.


Saw this new "smartglass" for xbox, but cant get it since it requires 4.0+, so i guess its time to mess with this


Now, its been a while, and when i rooted it, james (badazzgsx) came over to help me (by help me, i mean he did it while i watched and tried to learn). I know ill need to back up what i currently have, so if i fuck something up, i can go back to where i am now.


What im unsure of is, when i do this, is everything going to start fresh, or will my current apps be there, texts, pictures in my galleries, etc and basically the underlying system just be changed?


And if anyone is still running a DInc, whats a good Sense based ROM on 4.0+?

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If verizon didnt decide to start fucking customers, id have one. No more new every 2 means i either pay full price for a new phone and keep my unlimted data, or switch to tiered data to save some money. The phone does pretty much everything i need/want it to do. No need to spend 4-500 on a new phone right now
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You buying? Otherwise, if youre not gonna answer my questions, quit posting. I didnt come in here asking which phone to buy. Unlike you, apparently, i dont need anything more than what i already have, so theres no need to waste money on a new phone just to say i have a new phone
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You buying? Otherwise, if youre not gonna answer my questions, quit posting. I didnt come in here asking which phone to buy. Unlike you, apparently, i dont need anything more than what i already have, so theres no need to waste money on a new phone just to say i have a new phone


I had posted links to not only CM9 but also to the nightly updates. If you're going to be ungrateful about it I can edit my previous post and delete the info...

Edited by JaSSon
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I had posted links to not only CM9 but also to the nightly updates. If you're going to be ungrateful about it I can edit my previous post and delete the info...


no you cant

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